2.5g Planted ?'s

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2009
Central Kentucky
I have a 2.5 g bowfront that I am thinking about turning into a planted/shrimp/snails tank. I have a few questions.
1. I am going with a clamp light since I lost the hood for my tank and I was wondering how many watts I would need? Would a normal flourescent screw in bulb would be enough for some low-med light plants?
2. Would the snails I'm picking eat my plants? I'm getting 1 nerite, a few pond snails that I already had :| and some Rabbit/Sulawesi/Tylomelania sp. snails.
I use little desk lamps with the screw in fluorescent bulbs in them and can grow must plants. In the center is where I put my higher light plants and the sides I put things like java moss and narrow java ferns. I don't think any of your snails will eat healthy plants but dieing or dead plants they will.
lol, thanks, thts what I was going to do I just have to find a lamp, which will be a while since I'm broke XD
I get the 13 watt, make sure it isn't softwhite. The spectrum isn't right for plants.
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