2 (i think) gallon hex, with real plants?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 9, 2002
Fort Worth, Texas
Sitting here looking up at this empty 2 gallon (at least i think its a 2 gallon..) hexagonal aquarium I have, I was thinking of maybe trying my hand at some real plants, and maybe adding some guppies in it. I know i won't be able to use the UGF, but in this small tank, would it be too crowded if i put 2 or 3 guppies, and some real plants and a filter? I'd probably need sand or something instead of rocks right? Plus i'd need a plant that doesn't grow excessivly. Something lush though, I don't want little sprigs. Well, before I even go on, is this possible? Would incandescant bulbs work well for plants? Would i be able to put a couple different plants in the back, and some fishies? I've been reading, and it seems like live plants need alot of care, and stuff. Though I assume its no harder than taking care of fish..so, guess my question is, could this work?
Well first of all no UGF. Sand and plant roots will clog it. A couple male guppies will do fine or 1 male betta or some white cloud minnows. All fine fish for a small tank like that. Incandescent lights do nothing for plants. IF it is a bulb in the top of the hood then you can replace it with a screw in flourescent bulb. Get one with a mini ballast and this will be fine for growing plants. I use them in my small tanks and they work great. You could easily put in Java Fern if you don't change the light as it doesn't need too much light. But if you change the bulb to the flourescent then you will be able to put anything that likes medium or high light. Water sprite is good and is controllable. A lot of the grass like plants are very nice to look at. Rocks are a fine substrate for things like water sprite and java fern.
In Canada they are 9 dollars for a 2 pack at WalMart and last a lot longer than incandescent, produce way less heat and consum way less power. Sylvania makes the ones that I use.
Sounds good, just make sure to get the mini ballast ones. The other ones will fit but they tend to be much tighter to get in. Plus with the 2 pack you will have a spare. I actually use them in my apartment now as the light they give off is great and much cleaner. They are only around 4000K I think but are way better than incandescent.
Our 2g hex tanks can hold a flourescent bulb without a problem... and they aren't that expensive (around $5 or so). I wonder, though, are there are "nightlight" bulbs available in flourescent instead of incandescent?? I've looked all over but can't find any.

I have a 1g triangular tank w/ 3 very small male guppies in it. I wondered about putting a small live plant in there w/ them too but I can't unless or until I find a flourescent bulb that will fit the top. I found them to fit the 2g tanks but not the "nightlight" holder. *pout* Any suggestions?? I love having the 1g in my bathroom as it tends to relax me while I'm in the bubblebath, but I do love live plants and would love to put one in there. I'm sure the guppies would like it better than the ugly plastic one too.
If you use a red light then you can watch fish. Most fish don't view in the red spectrum. Sometimes you can find red filter covers to go over the bulbs.

If your 2 gallon already holds flourescents then that is the best thing. A lot of those smaller tanks don't. Even my 10 gallon only has spots for incandescent bulbs. So I replaced them with screw in CF.
I love having the 1g in my bathroom as it tends to relax me while I'm in the bubblebath, but I do love live plants and would love to put one in there.

I would highly suggest not putting a tank in the bathroom. The main reason being the stuff used to clean bathrooms mostly contain bleach or ammonia. the fumes from these will likely settle in your tank, causing all kinds of problems, especially in a tank as small as 1 gallon. Personal grooming products (hairspray, deodorant, perfume, etc.), I can't see them being good for the tank either.
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