20 gal long rebuild

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 25, 2011
So I've finished my 55 gal (for the moment) and now I'm looking to rebuild the 20 gal long that I inherited from my girlfriend when we moved in together. It's full of plastic plants and resin ornaments some zebra damios, white cloud mountain minows and a hillstream loach. I'm planning on moving these to an empty 50 litre. (not sure what that is in gallons)
I intend to plant the 20g low to med light.
So a few questions..
1. If I move the filter from the 20g with the fish can I avoid a long cycling process.
2. Would a canister filter be overkill on a 20g, if not what gph should I be looking for.
3. Will the 20g be a good size for a pair of cichlids (possibly convicts) or should I go for a dwarf variety.

Can any one help me out here.
20 would be to small for convicts, I believe you can only have dwarf cichlids. I know GBR can go in there, Kribs, Peacocks.
I thought that might be the case, I was hopeful I could get away with just a pair. Looks like I will have to go hunting round the LFS's for some dwarf species.

Thanks for the help
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