20 gallon tall stocking ideas

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 29, 2011
Hey everyone!
I'm going to redo my 20 gallon tank, because some of my previous stock died while I was on vacation. My sister is going to put her betta in the 20, but he's very peaceful. So, this is what I was thinking:
1 betta,
4-6 corys of some kind,
1 more kind of fish?
Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading and God Bless!
Cories are great with bettas! You could put a bunch of pygmy cories in if you have them, or 6 small species of cory like pandas.
Kuhli loaches might work too, especially if you have a softer substrate they can dig in.
You might want to add a peaceful mid-swimmer. I think bettas hang out at the top most of the time, so maybe non-fin nippers like harlequin rasboras or neons or cardinals? I don't think you would be overstocked with a group of 6 cories, 6 mid-swimming schooling fish, and your betta. I am unsure though.
Your tank will look beautiful!
My Glowlight Tetras do really well in my 20 with my Dwarf Gourami. If it's a schooling-type fish your looking for. They harass each other sometimes, but never mess with the DG.
Would celestial pearl danios do well with a betta? I was thinking 6-8 of them, any thoughts?
I have heard cp danios do really well with bettas-- that's my plan for a smaller tank I have. In my 20 I have glowlight tetras a betta and a cory. Everyone gets alone ok and has their own level. What I know about cp danios - or they are also called galaxy microrasboras I think- is that they tend to be shy and like a lot if plants and hidey spots to feel comfy.
Thank you everyone for the advice! I plan on having 6 corys, 6 CPDs, and the betta.
Thanks again!
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