20 High Stocking Question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 20, 2022
Near Reno, NV, USA
I have a 20 gallon high tank and was wondering if it will be overstocked. I am thinking of getting 6 Zebra Danios, 2 GloFish Danios, 2 GloFish Tetras, 3 Honey Gouramis, and a Bristlenose Pleco. I have checked Aqadvisor but I would like the input of an actual person. Thanks!
Couple things - BN Pleco's still get a pretty decent size and produce tons of waste, if you must get one definitely get a female. Also consider that BN Pleco's require driftwood so including that in your aquarium will limit space for the fish even further, I don't think AqAdvisor takes those sort of things into account & fish care more about horizontal space to swim than vertical.
Both Tetras and Danios are schooling fish that do best kept in groups of atleast 5-6. Not sure if GloFish Danios would school with Zebra Danios or not. Not entirely necessary but happier fish are healthier fish.

honestly I think if you just removed the pleco then your list would seem fine otherwise. I have a male BN pleco that started in a 20 gallon long and had to move him to a 50 gallon as he started getting very territorial over space. (also why i'd recommend a female)
I've never owned cory's personally, but from what I've read you want to avoid gravel subtrate as the barbels on their mouth are sensitive and can get cut up / pinched between rocks, so I probably wouldn't recommend it.
Not sure what your best bottom feeder option would be, maybe otocinclus but they usually require pretty pristine water and from my experience they can be troublesome to keep.
If all else fails, maybe something like nerite snails?
Okay drop the tetras haha it will be easier in the long run just don’t get them in a 20 high you have room for one or the other not both. I would get 8 danios personally and only regular glo fish are messed up in my personal opinion. I would get 2 honey gouramis as well not 3 and I would not put a bristlenose pleco in your tank either. I also would not put cories on a gravel substrate unless it’s smooth gravel if it’s jagged don’t. I
would stock as follows
10 danios zebra or leopard the choice is yours or mix and match
2 honey gourami
6 cory cats not the bronze they get large make sure you have a smooth substrate
I would also add 2 nerite snails for algae control
Ok thanks for your input. I would say my gravel is fairly smooth. It is GloFish brand gravel.

Personally Glofish would not be my first choice in fish but my friend has the Glofish danios and tetras. She is going on a trip for the whole month of August and asked my to take care of her fish since I have an automatic fish feeder. She doesn't really want her fish anymore either so I offered to take them in. I can tell her it might not be a great idea for the fish I am planning to keep in my tank though. Would it still be ok if they were kept in my tank for a month? After August I could return them to her.
Well I mean it should be fine short term but I would not keep the tetras the danios will fit in with the zebra danios just fine. If the gravel is very smooth the Cory’s will be fine if it’s jagged it will 100 percent hurt their barbels
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