20g long "the beginning"

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tiger terror

Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 18, 2011
As the title says will be starting a new build...will be dirted with an eco/sand cap...I want to use cfl's for lighting&shooting for low to medium planting..suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
So went to a few home improvement stores today looking for CFL's&couldn't find any above 5000k...so those in 3- 8 1/2" shop lights be plenty for a 20g long growing medium to low plants?
If you were thinking gooseneck clamp lights with some screw in cfl sort of thing, they do sell 6500k at Walmart in the fish section. Think they're 13w bulbs, a few of those might give you what you're looking for. With a shallow tank like a 20l, three-four of them would give you a good "low-medium" option. Some shop lights for sure, could.
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