20gal long planted

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 19, 2013
I've had this tank atleast a year and a half now and it's doing spectacular. It's the oddest tank I have tho because it has too many fish for its size yet I've never lost any of the fish I put in it. But anyways, here are the specs:
1 koi angel fish (lovingly termed derp fish because of a messed up fin)
4 albino Cory cats
6 black neon tetras
5 zebra danios
11 male endler guppies

Amazon swords
Regular baby tears
Dwarf sagiterria
Narrow leaf java fern
Java moss
Mellon sword?(don't remember species but it's the one that's blooming)

And if you look around the tank, you probably see some gross fuzzy moss type stuff which tagged along one day with some java moss. Honestly, I think it's why I can have so many fish in the same tank is because that stuff keeps the water so clean.

I have no CO2, nor high lights, just two fluorescent tube fixtures with the bulbs they came with( I did get one of them from a fish buddy of mine)


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very nice . i also have some planted tanks that do awesome with out co2 and no special lighting. i love your derp cause i have a couple derps also
Derp has become sorta the mascot of the tank. This fish has a ton of personality
How much did he run you? Just curious cus I'd love to pick up some if they're not terribly over priced. And you're not worried about overstocking? That seems like a lot in a 20?
How much did he run you? Just curious cus I'd love to pick up some if they're not terribly over priced. And you're not worried about overstocking? That seems like a lot in a 20?

I bought derp from a local guy in my area for about $8? I don't quite remember. Derp was part of a bigger group of fish I purchased.

I explained my overstocking concerns in the second to last paragraph I think. I haven't had a fish die in this tank for over a year and I add a male endler about ever month or two as they color up in a different tank.
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