20L flow issues

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 8, 2011
Western NC
I have 2 Koralia 425's and a 240. I have tried using various combinations of these to create a nice flow, but regardless of how I position them, one or more of my corals end up getting too much flow. I am at a loss as to what to do. I am running an AC 70, but I switched the impeller with an AC30 so the flow is reduced, but it still creates quite a bit. My main problem is my sand bed stays covered with algae, possibly diatoms but not sure. I'm thinking that better flow would help. Right now I have one K240 on the right side facing the back of the tank, which is creating some flow, but not helping my sand bed at all. When I face it towards the middle of the tank my mushrooms and frogspawn take a beating. Any suggestions on which pumps I should use or where to put them?
I also am running a 20L with 2 425's , a 250 and an AV 70. I have a 425 on the left and the 250 on the right. I have them at the same level about 3 inches from the top of the tank. I have them in front of the tank. I have a grape coral on the right side under the 250 and it seems to be doing fine with the current. I have the other 425 above the 250 on the right. I only use the extra 425 at night and turn if off in the morning to switch up the flow.
My rock scape runs the entire width of the tank with one cave on the left. I have a few zoa frags, poly frags, Duncan frag, grape coral, plate coral, a few leathers, sps corals and just got a Xenia frag.
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