20L has been upgraded to a 55g

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IKR!! I find out Tuesday/Wednesday if I can get more from big store. If not, I'm going to ask the LFS if they're getting more in. I missed out, day before yesterday they had 13 total :| >_> Confound it. The big store doesn't even know if they'll be stripey or not. I don't mind black kuhlis, though they're a different breed, but I want these ones.
Striped baby snake

You should be getting more than a month on the 5 lb tank. I run between 1-3 bps 8 hours per day and a 24 oz tank lasts 4-4.5 months.

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Pure win! See? Even better.
IKR!! I find out Tuesday/Wednesday if I can get more from big store. If not, I'm going to ask the LFS if they're getting more in. I missed out, day before yesterday they had 13 total :| >_> Confound it. The big store doesn't even know if they'll be stripey or not. I don't mind black kuhlis, though they're a different breed, but I want these ones.

I have 4 black and a striped but they school together! I do prefer the stripey kind too :whistle: I like spending unhealthy amounts of time trying to positively identify the stripey ones... because striped kuhlis are actually a number of different species (and there's even 2 different kinds of "black" kuhli)
No wonder they're hard to breed! No one gets all the same kind! ? I only wanted six total but if all they have are black, I'll pick up three so baby snake isn't all alone for longer than I intended, then go back to LFS for five more stripeys if they can get them.

They have two tiers of tanks there, and I have to stand on tiptoe to see the bottom of the upper tanks. ~_~ I'm sure it's a sight, grown woman on tip toes, fingertips on the shelf for good stability, peering in the tanks. Cracks the owner up anyway. She's a good sort. Saw a couple of horse face loaches but nah. I can only have so many things in the 40, even if the flow is enough to plaster everyone to the front. ? Slight exaggeration. I'll try to get video.
That eBay Java moss developed some sort of oily film that repels water on my hands, so I yanked it all out and did a massive water change last night. Took it down as far as I could, removed about half an inch of dirt where it was, took it up to near 50% and back down near empty a couple of times before filling it accompanied by four capfuls of Prime (keeping in mind one capful can treat 50G). Overreaction? Better than chancing.

The moss is sitting in the giant canning pot so I can satisfy myself there aren't any shrimp in it. I'm glad the seller isn't nearby. I'd have gotten arrested for assault with a soggy, gas (very similar smell to JP-8) smelling weapon. I loathe that smell. Months of filling generators in the night tends to leave an impression. I don't know how I missed it with the stuff in my face while I was rinsing it, pulling it apart to check for snails, sticks and other debris. I didn't have to wash my hands with Dawn last time I handled it to get a film off.

The other plants and inhabitants don't seem affected so I could be mistaken. Has anyone else had an odd oily film that smells like petrol form from their java moss? I'd rather not torture the tank if I can avoid it. Maybe I missed something on in my searches to answer this question.

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That's unfortunate about the moss. It is odd that it was not present upon initial inspection but much more pronounced later on. Better safe than sorry with the removal and the extra Prime. I have not heard of this before and a Google search did not return much info on this. You may want to contact the eBay seller about what you found. You have a very specific set of skills...would not want to make you angry ?
Is there a film on the surface of the tank or did the WCs take care of that?

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No new film. I always seem to have some kind of film, even before the moss. Plain, not shiny, definitely not particolored. The kind I've always assumed was normal. No change on that front.
No new film. I always seem to have some kind of film, even before the moss. Plain, not shiny, definitely not particolored. The kind I've always assumed was normal. No change on that front.

I think surface film is pretty common. It in my new tank that I just setup, it comes and goes in my planted tank, and not present at all in my temp shrimp tank.

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I've checked the surface of the water on the pot, no oily surface. Im kind of glad, but kind of not. Waiting to hear back from the seller.
The only tank I've had the oily film in is my Spec 5, both the old one and the current tank. In another thread someone mentioned spraying a peroxide/water mix on the surface to help, I'm just trying to find out what ratio to use.
I adjusted the spray bar angle, it's all good. It's surface agitation that takes care of the gunk on the top if you don't want to do paper towels, newspaper, spray it with a dilution, or anything else. That will take care of itself. The moss mystery will be sorted out soon enough.

Got the four way ring feeder yesterday. Did the flake food in it and that works well. With all the flow, def necessary. They'll get used to where the food is so when they start getting microworms via cone, they already know where the food is. Might try out frozen brine shrimp in it tonight.

*Forgot, called Jim today. They got hillstream loaches, not kuhlis today. He said there might be more coming in tomorrow as they only received part of the order. @_@
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I might try a little peroxide for the film. I have an HOB filter on that tank. Some of the extra ceramic noodles are bound together with fishing line. This allows me to pull some of the noodles out of the box section and onto the overflow section and this can create turbulence/bubbles.
Hopes you get more baby snakes soon.

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I adjusted the angle of the spray bar, winner! Called again today, more hillstream loaches. :| Ok, going to the other shop. Haven't seen baby snake for a couple of days, even with a 15g water change. He needs friends before he pines away.

Got the cinnamon bark today. Not the overly fake scented garbage for decorations and not the dark cinnamon from the grocery store. The old school real deal stuff. Yep. This will definitely work for moss trees. I snagged some moss from one of the betta tanks, where I hadn't quite noticed it was taking over. Don't worry, I left him some and gave him some hornwort and a sprig of water sprite. He has more room to swim and new plants. He's happy. At least, he's swimming around more. Time to boil a stick and make a quilt batting cone to stick chopped moss to. I'll just leave it out and keep the quilt batting moist for a couple of weeks, then see how it does in the cycling 5.5. Less turbulence in there. Between an every other day drop of ammonia and GLA PPS-PRO, everything in that tank is way happy. Not so much scaped as holding stuff for now.

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Apparently CPD are getting frisky. Female seems to like the gap between the quilt batting covered wire and the foam filter. We'll see how it turns out. Silly me, I thought I was going to have to net some fish to restore order.
Cleaned up some stems, trimmed up (?again) and PWC. Here's an update with the marislea minutia. My daughter is down for a week, and she wanted some fish. There are now three endlers that'll be going in the 5.5 once it's done cycling. Bpophoto saw them and became a bit enamored so I showed him AdrianHD's stuff. Heh heh heh.

Not sure what variation endler, but it doesn't really matter. She likes them and they won't wind up like her first fish. Don't ask. ?


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KFC! Looks like bubble gum.
How many do you expect to hatch from that clutch?

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Not even thinking of speculating. She picked a good spot, behind the spray bar but I'm going to remove all the snails I want to keep and drop assassins in soon to take care of bladder snails. Otherwise, I'd never have interfered. If none are viable, such is life.

Don't even know what they'd look like, she's gold, had a black and a blue on her before the eggs showed up. Talk about a mystery ?
The mystery snails if I remember correctly can store the male's contribution for awhile kind of like guppies. Applesnail.net is a good resource if you get curious to know on more. I really like snails except bladder snails. Lol

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