26g planted Semi-Aggressive...(non-cichlid)

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I think another tank is in the plan for the next few months..... :D

I'm thinking around a 26 gallon, probably with moderate lighting
. . . I would like to keep some maybe not-so-nice fish for once, heh
I have never, but would like to keep:
-Tiger Barbs
-Rainbows (sometimes described as semi-aggressive?)

....Suggestions for tank stocking plans?? (with numbers plz!)
....And plants???

I don't think Angels and tiger barbs go together due to the Barbs nippy behavior.
FYI--Angels are cichlids :twisted:
I think you could have a couple of angels in that tank (start with about 5 and hopefully wind up with a pair, then remove the remaining angels) and a school of smaller tetras, like serpaes (kinda barb-like) or harlequin rasboras - lots of options, then a school of cory cats for the bottom.

You could also have a nice school of tiger barbs, as they are one of my favorites but they would pester angels, most likely, and I would not put them together, like Menagerie said. I think it would be very cool to have 8-9 of them as the feature fish.

I have not kept rainbows, but I hope to keep them in the future. They can be stunning.
How does this sound then? :D
(1) Angel
(6-8 ) Harlequins
(4-6) Cories

What should I plant the tank with? (Moderate lighting)
Sometimes angels are not happy alone, though I currently have one adult male (his mate died during a long power outage) and he seems okay.

I'd like to know the wattage of your light fixture, as that will help in making recommendations. You can certainly stick with the basics, java fern, crypts, hygro, watersprite, wisteria, anacharis, cabomba, etc. Most swords do better with higher light, and you may have enough, so post back with the specifics of your light fixture.
I'm not exactly sure, but I'll say ~ 2.5wpg

Of course, I want the angel(s) to be happy, but I don't want to spawn them....? What should I do then? ...just go with the One angel ?

* With (1) Angel then, this shall be my setup plan:
26 gal (hopefully Tall)

(1) Angelfish
(7) Harlequin Rasboras
(4) Cories
Any additional fish? Otos? Plec?

Java Fern
Crypts (wendtii)
Floating Riccia

Schultz Aquatic Plant Soil

HOB Filter
150w Heater

DIY CO2-2litre bottle...airline tubing poked into filter intake tube, inside tank

Shall that work?
That will work just great, I think. I would recommend otocinclus cats (3-4) but I would definitely wait for the tank to mature a while before you do that. Wait until you get some diatoms going (brown algae) and then get the otos. I think the tank will be lovely!

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