29 gallon help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 12, 2011
Raleigh, NC
Hey all! I am not new to planted tanks but I wanted to go a little more in depth as far as plants go this time around. I found a lovely 29 gallon on the side of the road. After many washes I think it's ready to be used! It doesn't have substrate, lights or filters yet and that's what I need help deciding. I am willing to pay more since j got the tank for free. Residents that I plan on putting in there are 2 varieties of Pygmy corys, celestial pearl danios as of now. I currently have them in a 10 gallon planted.

Any advice on lights and substrate?
Go with Flora Max substrate or something similar for plants. It is doing real good for my newly planted tank. Good luck!
As far as lights. What kind of light category do you want? What kind of plants do you have in mind?
Just a suggestion, but if you found it on the side of the road, you want to really check the seals & make sure it holds water first! :)
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