30 gal small species tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 23, 2012
Hi all, first time thread so help would be good! I am looking to start a 30 gal small s.American species tank. My idea was to have a small shoal of marbled hatchets (5), a pair (2) of rams, around (5) small corys, a pair (2) of bristle nose catfish and a shoal of the smallest tetras i can find. My questions are:- How does this mix of fish sound?
How many tetras could i hope to have?
Is a pair of rams ok or should there be more?
Any help/advice would be welcome!!
Marbled hatchets,corys and tetras sound great.I would just go for a pair of rams.Bolivian rams are among the hardiest and have great colour.
Not too sure about the bristlenose catfish though as they can get to 6 inches in length and 30 gal may be a bit small.Having said that ive never owned them so hopefully someone else will chime in and help settle that one.Harlequins are very nice looking peaceful fish.I have 5 in one of my tanks with blushing tetra and 2 albino corys.
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