30 Gallon Tank: Stocking and questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 20, 2015
Hi there! First of all, I'm newer to the fish community, I've been keeping fish for about three or four months, and I've recently had a friend just hand over a 30 gallon tank, completely finished with gravel, decor, a light, stand, bubble stones, and water care stuff, and a filter and extra filter cartridges, all for free! I'm so lucky.
Skip to today, and the tank is completely cleaned, though it's empty and sitting plainly in my living room. I need some fish! I've been going through the forums and found this setup for another 30 gallon:

-6 Neon tetras
-6 Zebra danios
-1 koi swordtail
-1 betta (It'll probably be a female)
-3 gold dust mollies
-6 Cory cats

I love this idea, but is it too much for a 30 gallon? Also, I wanted to know if I could put some ghost shrimp in, or if I should replace a few fish with those shrimp. Do they get along with the fish listed? What temperature should I keep the tank at? Also, should bubble stones be kept in there?

I'm always at home, so I keep very good care of my fish, water changes are normal and I check the water often, So I can very easily take care of a large quantity of fish. Any constructive criticism is welcome!
Have you heard of aqadvisor.com? It's an awesome resource for checking out stocking plans. Your stocking list looks pretty good to me, but I don't really know anything about shrimp except that your betta might eat them.

Also, you really should move the clown pleco from your 10 gallon to this 30 gallon! 10 gallons is too small for any kind of pleco but that 30 gallon would be perfect.
Thank you! I didn't know about that website, I will probably replace the shrimps with the pleco, and it seems that would be the max for the tank. Thanks for the help!
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