300 gallon "Outside Corner" Reef

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haha im setting up a frag tank to propergate some of my coral

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That's what I do. I grow out small frags into big display pieces and then add them to my 300 or sell them for $$$.

The bonsai was bought about 18 months ago and was the size of a big cherry. It is now twice that big, tennis ball size, so this is a sport for the patient or the rich. I wonder what a GARF bonsai is worth the size of your head?

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ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1412631437.250513.jpg

You can see the golf ball sized bonsai from about 9 months ago sandwiched in between the other coral heads.

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Thanks! All grown from tiny pieces and on their way to being those basketball sized wonders we all love.

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Thanks! This forum has helped. I don't always agree with the posters, but you can almost always figure out what's right by weighing them.

The tank for many years was soft coral dominated. This is part of the way to the reef I dreamed of years ago.

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There is a gold hammer there, maybe you mean that. To the left of the cap is a big frogspawn, one of several euphyllia I have growing.

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Are you still planning on doing a bigger tank down the road?

It depends on funds and eventual retirement plans. Current home of 34 years is fish tank full.

But frankly, the 1000 gallon reef would be great, but I am nearing the culmination of a 22 year long reef build and tearing that down would kill me. If this is the best I do in my lifetime I must enjoy it without any regrets I didn't build the 1000.

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I mean this pic. I'm looking at a gold frog spawn frag . They want $90 for two heads and the owner told my that all fs's are now on the endangered species list

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This is just a big colony of common frogspawn. Probably around 20-25 heads. It's about 10 years old. Can't get much bigger because of corals on its border.

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Didn't post this one because color was weirdImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1412646436.822134.jpg. Bicolor frogspawn with Lemonade frogspawn.

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Oh ok. Maybe the lighting gave it a different look. I have one of those already.

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Man those are all really nice pieces. I'd love to see the 1000 gallon you are capable of creating, but this 22 year old 300 is a nothing short of an outstanding accomplishment! A job very well done and much care and patience put into it. The corals look really good under those new lights too! With all those euphyllia coral you have, you definitely need to enter the POTM contest this month!
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