30g ideas

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 6, 2011
What fish can live in it also first saltwater tank I like cardinals and clown fish yellow tang dwarf angels will any of these work
The clowns and cardinals would work. As well as some blennies and or gobies. But the tang is out, sorry needs a 6 foot tank. :)

Not sure about the angels though, someone else will chime in for them
They shouldn't. Just stick to regular clowns nothing like copper banded or anything like that. I think the regular oscellaris are the least aggressive. :)
Ok and the angel it's a Pygmy angel would that work or am I over stocked also how many clowns and cardinals also they are the banggia cardinal
I had four fish in my 29g tank. 2 clowns, a goby and a blenny. I would think a pair of clowns and maybe 2-3 cardinals would do it. Plus you can get some shrimp and cuc too. :) The orange lined cardinals are really nice too, I was looking into them myself.
I will go with what dream said also what invertebrates would work and how much rock
1.5-2lbs of rock will do you fine. Just stick with a CUC (Clean-up crew, like snails and hermits) unless you want like a cleaner shrimp or something like that.
You can add more, but that is a good starting point. You can have more or less, Just don't add too much and restrict swimming room from the fish.

Were you thinking something in specific as to why you want more than 60lbs in a 30G tank? Just wondering
I have a 28g nano with 25ish lbs of live rock. A cuc with 2 peppermint shrimp 1 fire shrimp and a knobby star fish. So you can have quite a bit. I have jus put on green bulb anemone in yesterday and plan on adding the clowns soon. All is good in my tank. Hope this helps.
I was thinking like 15lb of rock and what anemones would work or other corals or feather duster also would a cleaner shrimp eat the blue hermit crabs
I don't have any corals yet. Was going to add some soft ones and some ricordea or however you spell that. The green bulb was recommended by lfs and I was going to add 1 pink tip anemone soon. The shrimp should be fine. My peppermint ate 2 little blue ones the first day I put them in but has left them alone since.
An anenome is not really recommended for newer tanks. You should have a stable tank for many months before considering it. They also require intense lighting as well. I returned mine cause all I did was worry about it.

If you want a clown to host something they can also host corals, my four host my elegance coral. :)
I will check out those corals too. I have led light and the green bulb moved to the side under a rock so don't know if it was too bright or what.


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Wow just checked out that coral online an it is cool. Where do you place yours?
First of all (like carey said) you should wait at least a year before getting an anemone, they are very sensitive and need stable water conditions. In a small tank it's even more important to wait. Also just a warning that anemones grow very quickly and get very large. I had one in my 28 gallon nano and it destroyed a lot of my other corals, I ended up having to remove it. If you want it for the clowns to host you should consider getting other corals. Clown will host a lot of different corals, like mushrooms, frogspawn, xenia, ect.

If you want it just to have an anemone you could look into getting a mini carpet anemone, they stay small and come in a variety of colors. Clowns have not been known to host these though.

In post #9 iDream meant to say 1.5 - 2lbs per gallon.

Like mentioned, dwarf angels are known to pick at corals, sometimes you will find one that won't though.

Do you know how to cycle the tank and all that?? A fishless cycle is strongly recommended on this site by most.

Also what kind of lighting do you have? This will determine if you can even keep an anemone.
Is it different to cycle salt than it is to cycle fresh and the light came with the biocube
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