Nicole29 said:
I really like this selection of fish..but I'm afraid the glass cats would be very shy with all those middle swimmers, do you think this would work??
-8 Glass cats
-6 Harlequin rasboras
-6 smaller, peaceful barbs
-4 Kuhli loaches
-1 gourami
8 glass cats might be too much, as they grow 3" each, and theres always the chance you might get some african glass cats, who are very similar, but grow 6"
im assuming rasboras are peaceful like tetras so those may be ok. do you have a smaller type of barb in mind? i dunno how maxwell's cherries mix with his glass cats, but ive been seeing mine chase around the cats lately, cherries, like most barbs are slightly semi aggressive by nature as well.
and the thing with kuhli loaches, you may never see them, as they hide constantly, the only time they come out during the day is if they stick half their body out, from underneath a rock to grab a flake, and then retreat. although once in awhile, during dusk, they may also be seen chasing each other, swimming erractically, hiting every fish in their way, like idiots.
if i could redo my tank, i would have put in the extra dollar and bought dojo loaches, who become very hand tame, and are kinda lazy (its also argued that they like colderwater). kuhlis are decent enought though.
i think 10 or so ghost shrimp would complement your glass cats as well