36 gallon bowfront stocking

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 22, 2018
Hello I am new to this forum. I am about to have a 36 gallon bowfront freshwater tank and I am looking for some stocking ideas. I dont want anything seriously aggressive because I already have some African cichlids in another aquarium and the aggression has not been fun to deal with. I am thinking about an angelfish and some dither fish to go with it but I am not set on this decision. I am thinking about a parrot fish with some tetra perhaps but I am afraid my tank is too small. So I am open to ideas.
I think you could keep two of them in your size tank with some tetras. You will be maxed out but it's doable with weekly 50% water changes with a gravel vac and attention to how much you feed.
If you don't want to deal with potential water quality issues and if you wish to have more schooling fish and bottom fish......go with one blood parrot. They are fine on thier own and it would be a cool centerpiece fish.
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