3d background

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 22, 2003
I am going to try and build a 3d background for my aquarium and I have a few questions.
I am going to have the background about 1-2" from the back of the aquarium and in the background itself I will cut 2 holes and cover it with some window screen so fish dont get back there. I will run the return back to the main part of the tank.
I have a ehiem canister filter and I plan on putting it in the middle of the 2 holes will that pull enough of the water from the main part of the tank to the back to be filtered and can i have my air stone back there also to airate the tank.

Any input would be great.
A drawing of what you planned would be nice, so that you can give us a better visual of what you mean :)
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