40 gallon biotope build

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I think it looks really cool though how some of the leaves are hovering in the water. :) I bet the corys are thrilled!
Lots of hiding places and some biofilm to eat. Some of them have taken to sit on top of the dw that sticks way up. It reminds me of that scene in the Lion King where Simba is being shown to all the animals froma top the cliff. Kind of funny.
*sigh* I keep fish watching and looking things up. I think the biggest mystery tetra is a silvertip. The smaller mystery one does have a small translucent andipose. the biggest doesnt and has white tips to each of its fins. this is...annoying.
I have silver tips. They are pretty slender and they can be pretty feisty if you do not have a proper school of them. :(
I know. I had looked into them at least before. That's definitely what the biggest of the four yellow tetras is. He's active now but not a problem. No way I can fit four shoals of tetras in the tank. I might have an idea of a new home for him at least eventually.
Yeah, he will probably be fine while he is young, but I would look into re-homing or returning him as soon as you can.
My grandma has a 55 gallon and is the only other person I know of with a fishtank. It's needs a massive cleaning though since I thought another family member was looking after it. She has two corydoras (both I gave her 8 years ago after I got rid of my tank) and a rubbernose pleco that someone else gave her. I'll have to clean it for her but a school of silvertips should be good in there. They're active and would be a good replacement for the zebra danios she used to have. After all a 2 hour round trip at the busiest time of year at work for me is tough to do, but I owe it to the little guy to give him a good life. Plus this way I can get her more corys.
Oh yeah, that sounds great! They are prettty active. I kept the babies in my 10g until they got a little size so my angels wouldn't eat them, but they definitely let me know when they are out-growing it. :)
I'll head over there with my test kit tomorrow. I'm almost going to guarantee there's some old tank syndrome going on. good thing she only has the three fish. the silvertip is already the biggest fish in my tank but hopefully I can have her's cleaned up before too long. looks like I'll be maintaining it too then. I guess I'm stuck with the gold tetras. I could set up another tank but I have plans for that already.
lol Yep. I'm going to end up like back in high school when I had two aquariums, a clawed frog tank, and a green anole/house gecko terrarium in my room along with a couple other tanks scattered around the house. Probably ould be that way already if I had the room.
With Christmas coming you're right about the money. I will find the space though, no matter what I have to do. I'm already making plans for a native riffle tank. I might have had big problems with my first fishless cycle but I'm experienced at keeping fish alive.
I've had fish for 2 days but even so I thought I'd do a mini recap just in case anyone besides absolutangel04 reads this thread. Obviously things could change, for instance the leaves could become a pain when they degrade. Anyway getting to it.

-I love the sand. At first I didn't much care for the look of the pool filter sand. It grew on me though and a lot of tanks in the future of mine will have it. I like it better than gravel and certainly better than the playsand. That was a huge waste of time.

-Don't assume sellers on ebay know what they are talking about. No amount of soaking and boiling is going to make that softwood usable, even if they claim they used it. Find my own or pony up the extra for some mopani or malaysian.

-After killing off about 70 Amazon frogbit and 20 dwarf water lettuce I've decided not to try plants right now. I like the stock lighting on my tank in this case since it's darker anyway.

-The mixture of leaves makes the tank. Just let them float and sink where ever. The drifts they make because of the current will look better than anything I try to do myself.

-My first fishless cycle was hard but I'm definitely going this route again.

-Making a stocking list is fun, however I'm not very good at following it. At least I researched a lot so I knew other species that would work.

-The tank looks great. I'd love to have a bigger version with the same setup, bigger shoals, more tetras, pencilfish, corys, plecos, dwarf cichlids, hatchets. Would look great having a big tank full of little fish.

-Rosy tetras are awesome. Kitty tetras are beautiful.

I'm sure there's more but that's the top of my head rambling recap. I set out to make something that looked fairly realistic and in my opinion I succeeded pretty well. It looks good and the fish are certainly fun to watch.
So, have you found the oak (I think) leaves degrade faster than the other leaves? I have heard that is the case, but never tried it before. :)
I've had the oak leaves in a week and so far zero signs of it degrading. Same with the Indian almond leaves that have been in there for 3 weeks. Good sign but still early to tell. I'm hopefully anyway. I did read beech is the best for not degrading and can last for six months but I'm working with what I have. Have you tried leaves in your tanks? It's fun to watch the corys swim upside down to check out all the bottoms of the leaves.

The only thing I have noticed is more algae growing on the driftwood. I don't think that has anything to do with the leaves though, most likely I'm feeding a little too much.
No, I have never tried leaves before. I have a couple of Amazon swords that are HUGE, andthe corys love swimming in and under those. I read that the swords would max out at about a foot, but one of mine is definitely bigger than that. The fish don't complain though. :)
I thought that Amazon swords got a foot and half. Not sure what I did with my notes though. I had some on different plants but then lost them when I realized I'm a plant killer.

With the stocking lighting on the tank I haven't seen any darkening of the water even with all the leaves. If they don't turn into a giant mess I could probably add even more if I wanted to.

Btw I'm going to be playing everyone's favorite game-the stocking game. This is the two tank edition if you want to play along.
Well, mine sure are getting to be that big. :) Yeah, I had done some research and read that they were only supposed to reach a foot, but I know you know all about conflicting info online!
Lol, I LOVE the stocking game. Its a good way to live vicariously through people when I am out of space for another tank at the moment. :)
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