40 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 6, 2014
Just bought a new 40G. 36x18x16 (1$ per Gallon special at Petco). What would be a great stocking for this setup? Keep in mind i have hard water where i live so only high PH fish please.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I live in super hard water (liquid rock I swear) country and all my fish adapt fine. Just to let you know.

WHat are you looking for? COmmunity tank? Schooling fish? Schooling fish with centerpiece. A couple big fish? Cichlid tank? Give us a general area
I live in super hard water (liquid rock I swear) country and all my fish adapt fine. Just to let you know.

WHat are you looking for? COmmunity tank? Schooling fish? Schooling fish with centerpiece. A couple big fish? Cichlid tank? Give us a general area

Yeah probably should of given a general area. I wanta Community tank. maybe a few bottom feeders. No cichlid. Small to medium fish. Quick question. So a fish who thrives in 7 -7.5 ph does fine in 8 - 8.8 ph?

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Too bad about cichlids. They love hard water. Check out Molly and Play fish. Both are community fish that do well in hard water.

Drip acclimating any fish you get will also help them do well in your tank.
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