40g Breeder "Castle Tank" Stocking?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 8, 2017
Stillwater, OK
Hello, it's been a while since I posted on this site, but essentially I moved in February and when I did so, I upgraded my 40 breeder tank to a 65-gallon tropical community tank, and my 40 has been in storage for the last couple months, but I decided to take it out and set it up again.

The substrate is Fluval Stratum, the filter is a Marineland Penguin 200B (rated for about 50 or 55 gallons I think; I used filter media from another tank to jumpstart the cycle, as well as API QuickStart) the light is an LED bar (not really sure the specs on it but it's from Petsmart and came with my 65 ensemble), and the plants so far include anubias, staurogyne repens, Jungle Vallisneria, rotala, subwassertang, lucky bamboo (emersed), and a peace lily (emersed, in the breeder net). Most of these plants are samples from other tanks, so they're very small still and will take a while to grow in. For ornaments, there's a pretty large castle and a medium/small geometric sphere.


I've had some mystery and pond snails in it for the past week, and I also decided to move my 3 African dwarf frogs into it this morning, but other than that, I really don't know what I want to put into it, so any suggestions are appreciated.
More dwarf frogs! You could have a great ADF community with a tank that size. ADFs are so very entertaining, especially when they’re not frightened into hiding from other fish. You might want to add a few more hiding spots, eg tiny terra cotta pots turned on their side, cichlid rock caves, or short smoothed pieces of PVC. Since you already have ADFs, I’m sure you already know the requirements and the extras. ADFs! Yay!
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