5.5 Gallon Betta

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2015
I just redid my betta tank and wanted to show it off. The water is still a bit cloudy from the new substrate. I have some real plants in my other tank, but this was my first time trying an actual "planted tank" from the substrate up.

Fish: Lorenzo, the betta

Tank: Top Fin 5.5 gallon

Filter: Top Fin 10

Heater: 10w Marineland

Light: Marineland 11" LED

Substrate: Eco-Complete

Malaysian driftwood


Narrow leaf val


Marimo moss balls

Some type of moss (came from Petco in a ball, I unrolled it and tied it to my driftwood)

Dwarf hairgrass (not expecting this to survive, bought it before I researched)

Can anybody tell me what type of moss is on my driftwood? Also, since I'm sure my dwarf hairgrass will die off, is there any low tech foreground plant you'd recommend?

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Closeup of the moss

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