5-6 inch Red Zebra African in a 29 gal tank!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 26, 2010
I just don't know what to do. I got a fairly large (not fully grown) african yesterday and tried to place him in my 55 gal tank but my Tilapia Buttokoferi attacked him. I had to quickly remove him and put him in a 29 gal tank with 1-2 inch african's. This is my "baby" tank and he looks like a monster next to the other fish. All he's been doing is swimming up and down on the glass (sizing up the tank) and pulling up the bubble pump and plants. I am in the process of upgrading the 29 gal to a 75 gal in a few weeks. I realize I can't keep the Tilapia because he is getting meaner and more aggressive by the day. I now have 16 medium sized africans in the 55 gal (3-4 inches at most) and 12 very small baby african's in the 29 gal tank. The new african mildly chases them but nothing serious. He is more gentle and docile than anything. He is more of a big teddy bear.

Is he in grave danger being in the 29 gal? I am working on getting the 75 gal but won't get it at least for another two weeks. Please advise.

He should be fine in there until you get the 75 up and running. Just keep a close eye on the parameters. The smaller ones are big enough to keep away from the larger. If you dont already have it in the 29, I would put in some rocks or other decor that the small ones can hide in.
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