5 gal shrimp tank temp issue.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 26, 2012
Blasdell, Ny
Im currently cycling a planted 5 gallon tank im gonna use for rcs. But my issue is the heater i have is a topfin 25 watt ajustable the temp varys from 74-79 degrees over a like 4-6 hour period between when the heater turns off and on. Tge heater is set for 79. Do you think this temp change is ok or is it too drastic and i need a new heater, Before i add the rcs.
My first impression is tank size, but I want to be careful so will circle this question before moving in for the bite....Where do you live and what is the average temperature in your environment. PP
My house is any where from 65-70. But my concern is how tge heater in tge tank runs it just seems to go awhile before turnung on then it runs forever. The heater is set for 79 but the temp goes down till 74 it seems before it kicks on.. My concern is will a temp change of 4-5 degrees over a 4-6 hour period be bad for the shrimp?
A 5 gallon tank does give big changes when surrounding air temp varies, and these small heaters...more so cheap designs have a wide spread range...in your case 5 degrees. I can only offer you suggestions that I would apply for myself if in your situation...Here is a choice...wrap the tank (especally at night) in towels or blanket...it will take longer but the temp will still shift over time. And I would consider a new heater with a little more power...not because your choice was wrong, but because more Watts tend to provide closer on-off cycle time and it would heat up quickly so again reduce some time spread. I personally don't know enough about
invertebrates to know their tolerance to temperature variations...but sure it cannot be comfortable for them. I'm trying to help but being careful hope you understand. PP
O i understand completely and thanks for the reply. :p I was debating on a bigger heater and im gonna get one. See if that helps..
Only for a thought on the subject of watts...it can be large, all that it will do is heat the water faster and turn off sooner, so 50 watts is not too much for your tank it's all a matter of how much you want to spend. PP
O ok yea that what i want it to to heat faater run for a shorter time. So maybe then the temp won't vary as much.. Thanks :p
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