55 Gallon Freshwater Tank

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my great condolence for Arnold. please forgive me for not seeing this for awhile. been busy lately but i am going to be here as often as i can...

Awesome tank!
I also have a 55 gallon and a rainbow shark (almost got a red tailed shark) and I currently have 2 clown loaches, hopefully I can find them at petsmart again when they are on sale for 4.49 instead of 8.99 haha

my great condolence for Arnold. please forgive me for not seeing this for awhile. been busy lately but i am going to be here as often as i can...


Thank you, Daileene. What's really strange is, after he passed, I thought about your Betta and knowing that I was feeling how you felt when yours passed. :(

*hugs* back at ya!

Awesome tank!
I also have a 55 gallon and a rainbow shark (almost got a red tailed shark) and I currently have 2 clown loaches, hopefully I can find them at petsmart again when they are on sale for 4.49 instead of 8.99 haha


Aw, yes, your tank is the one sitting on the floor, right? ;) It looks beautiful, btw! I need to make my way over to your thread so I can tag along on your journey! :D

Rainbow Sharks are pretty cool, and I thought about getting one of those instead of the RT. However, I had no choice in the matter as that Shark is my husband's fish. lol Depending on what else you have in your tank, 2 Clown Loaches should be enough. But that's up to you. They're my favorite fish and if I had a larger tank, I would stock it full of them! :D
55 gall

Awsome looking tank watch putting drift wood in though I do believe it may mess with your ph balance
Awsome looking tank watch putting drift wood in though I do believe it may mess with your ph balance

Thank you! :)

You're right about driftwood possibly reducing pH levels. I haven't seen it happen to my pH though. But then again, my Mopani didn't leach many tannins either. It only leached when I was soaking it, and didn't release tannins at all after putting it in my tank. I guess I got lucky. ;)
Thank you, Daileene. What's really strange is, after he passed, I thought about your Betta and knowing that I was feeling how you felt when yours passed. :(

*hugs* back at ya!

Aaawww, thank you. I know. It is quite a devastating feeling. I cannot explain it. But I hope they both knew we loved them very much. I am planning of getting another one again pretty soon, once my other 10G is finished cycling. I can't wait. I missed my betta very much. I will name my future betta the same name. :)
Aaawww, thank you. I know. It is quite a devastating feeling. I cannot explain it. But I hope they both knew we loved them very much. I am planning of getting another one again pretty soon, once my other 10G is finished cycling. I can't wait. I missed my betta very much. I will name my future betta the same name. :)

I can't wait for you 10g to get cycled and you get your Betta! :D

Oh and per your request, my FTS is below, (I finally got to take pics tonight). ;) The plants are coming along great! I ended up moving the Cabomba again, (thanks to Tony knocking it over). It's now directly behind the wrecked plane decor.

There are some pics of the Cabomba in my profile album, (I'm almost to the max on attachments, so can't add them to this thread). I also got some really good shots of my ADF's! :D


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Beautiful tank ! Are all those plants natural? Do you have some plastic plants?

Thanks! :D

I have a few faux plants in the tank temporarily until my live plants have time to grow.

As far as live plants, I have; Amazon Sword, Anacharis, Anubias congensis, Cabomba (Purple), Cryptocoryne wendtii (Green), Micro Sword, and Ruffled Sword.

I did have a good bunch of Water Wisteria, but some of my fish gobbled it up. :( There are a few pieces still floating around, but I've come to the conclusion that Wisteria doesn't mix well w/ my fishes. lol It's a shame too... it's a very pretty plant!
New Betta!

Yeah... I couldn't help myself, I got a new Betta :whistle: LOL

After 1 month of my Betta passing, I decided to start up the 10g again. Much to my surprise, the tank was still cycled! I just did a pwc w/ a thorough gravel vac, replaced the filter media w/ seeded filter media from my 55g, and BOOYAH!! I guess by me not touching the tank, all the nasties that were in the gravel kept the cycle going. Procrastination ftw! (y) LOL

Anyway, I got the Betta on Saturday, (along w/ a new light fixture for my 10g). And yes, he looks just like my old one... gotta love blue Bettas! Then today, I picked up 2 Bamboo Shrimp, (a couple of funny little guys btw!), and some Snails. So far, everyone is doing great and the tank looks awesome again! :D

As far as decorations... I decided to place the 'house' in there, (the one that was in my 55g). I also added my Ruffled Sword and Micro Sword to the tank. I'm not sure how they will do w/ the lighting, but I did add ferts to the water. The light fixture just has the standard 15w bulbs, (2 bulbs for a total of 30w). I'll be heading over to the Planted threads to research this in 3...2...1...

McLumpy said:
Yeah... I couldn't help myself, I got a new Betta :whistle: LOL

After 1 month of my Betta passing, I decided to start up the 10g again. Much to my surprise, the tank was still cycled! I just did a pwc w/ a thorough gravel vac, replaced the filter media w/ seeded filter media from my 55g, and BOOYAH!! I guess by me not touching the tank, all the nasties that were in the gravel kept the cycle going. Procrastination ftw! (y) LOL

Anyway, I got the Betta on Saturday, (along w/ a new light fixture for my 10g). And yes, he looks just like my old one... gotta love blue Bettas! Then today, I picked up 2 Bamboo Shrimp, (a couple of funny little guys btw!), and some Snails. So far, everyone is doing great and the tank looks awesome again! :D

As far as decorations... I decided to place the 'house' in there, (the one that was in my 55g). I also added my Ruffled Sword and Micro Sword to the tank. I'm not sure how they will do w/ the lighting, but I did add ferts to the water. The light fixture just has the standard 15w bulbs, (2 bulbs for a total of 30w). I'll be heading over to the Planted threads to research this in 3...2...1...


Congratulations for your new Betta!,!! You need to share a picture soon ok?

I really enjoy reading your treads. Looks like we all have MTS, I constantly visit lfs to see what's new!!! Now I have a 100G new tank (well, it's used from Craiglist but new to me)

Congratulations for your new Betta!,!! You need to share a picture soon ok?

I really enjoy reading your treads. Looks like we all have MTS, I constantly visit lfs to see what's new!!! Now I have a 100G new tank (well, it's used from Craiglist but new to me)


Thanks! Oh, yes, pics will be posted soon! :D

100g?! :eek: Geez!!! Now that is a tank!! Gotta love Craigslist! Did you make a thread yet? I can't wait to see pics!! I'm afraid my MTS is only limited to the 2 tanks though. :( Otherwise, I'm pretty sure my husband would make me sign papers. lol

As it is, we have the 2 tanks, 1 cat, and we're picking up a Brittany Spaniel puppy in a month!! With a toddler in the mix, this is going to be one crazy house! :ROFLMAO:
McLumpy said:
Thanks! Oh, yes, pics will be posted soon! :D

100g?! :eek: Geez!!! Now that is a tank!! Gotta love Craigslist! Did you make a thread yet? I can't wait to see pics!! I'm afraid my MTS is only limited to the 2 tanks though. :( Otherwise, I'm pretty sure my husband would make me sign papers. lol

As it is, we have the 2 tanks, 1 cat, and we're picking up a Brittany Spaniel puppy in a month!! With a toddler in the mix, this is going to be one crazy house! :ROFLMAO:

Yes I did a tread, it is the general discussion, named my new 100G tank
I love bamboo shrimp. They like a good amount of flow so they can work their fans. I have an video on my tube page but the quality isn't all that great. It was my old camera.
I love bamboo shrimp. They like a good amount of flow so they can work their fans. I have an video on my tube page but the quality isn't all that great. It was my old camera.

They are pretty awesome! This is my first time owning shrimp and I can sit there for hours watching them, (eh, if my husband wouldn't pick on me for watching the fish so much lol).

I will definitely check out your vid. Thanks! :D Oh, yes, I have plenty of flow from the HOB and a plant directly beneath it. They have been hanging out on the plant and gobbling up the goodies. Yep, I did my homework. ;)

Edit: I just watched the video, (and a few others). Very awesome! I thought the quality was just fine. I tried taking a few vids of my tanks, but I can't seem to get the settings right. lol
Euthanizing My Molly Tonight

Well, I believe that I've done everything I can for my Molly, Michaela J. Fish, and it's time to let her go. :(

When I first got her, she was displaying an odd "wiggle", was anti-social, and was much smaller than my other Mollies, (almost like her growth was stunted). As the months progressed, her "wiggle" had worsened, she began hiding a lot, and she had stopped growing. However, tonight she came out of hiding for a short time and I realized that there is nothing else that I can do.

Almost all of her caudal fin is missing and she is now swimming head-down. I believe that she was born w/ a Caudal Peduncle Deformity, where the Caudal Peduncle area was shortened/notched making the Caudal Fin arch upwards leading to irregular swimming.

Over the past 11 months, I did everything I could to help keep her living comfortably. But now it's painfully obvious that she can no longer control her movements and may or may not be in extreme pain.

I plan on doing the temperature shock method within the hour and I'm not looking forward to it at all. This is, believe it or not, the first time that I have ever had to euthanize one of my fish and I'm naturally feeling sad and guilty about it. But I know that my fish can no longer suffer and it's the right thing to do.

I currently have her in my breeder tank until the water is ready. The really sad part about all of this is, her friend, Fabio, (my male Dalmatian Molly), has been swimming next to the tank ever since I put her in there. It's almost like they know. That sounds corny, huh? lol

Well, that is all. I guess now I just continue to wait for the water to be right and do the deed. /sigh I really hate this! :(
McLumpy said:
Well, I believe that I've done everything I can for my Molly, Michaela J. Fish, and it's time to let her go. :(

When I first got her, she was displaying an odd "wiggle", was anti-social, and was much smaller than my other Mollies, (almost like her growth was stunted). As the months progressed, her "wiggle" had worsened, she began hiding a lot, and she had stopped growing. However, tonight she came out of hiding for a short time and I realized that there is nothing else that I can do.

Almost all of her caudal fin is missing and she is now swimming head-down. I believe that she was born w/ a Caudal Peduncle Deformity, where the Caudal Peduncle area was shortened/notched making the Caudal Fin arch upwards leading to irregular swimming.

Over the past 11 months, I did everything I could to help keep her live comfortably. But now it's painfully obvious that she can no longer control her movements and may or may not be in extreme pain.

I plan on doing the temperature shock method within the hour and I'm not looking forward to it at all. This is, believe it or not, the first time that I have ever had to euthanize one of my fish and I'm naturally feeling sad and guilty about it. But I know that my fish can no longer suffer and it's the right thing to do.

I currently have her in my breeder tank until the water is ready. The really sad part about all of this is, her friend, Fabio, (my male Dalmatian Molly), has been swimming next to the tank ever since I put her in there. It's almost like they know. That sounds corny, huh? lol

Well, that is all. I guess now I just continue to wait for the water to be right and do the deed. /sigh I really hate this! :(

Ups, I really sorry to her about her.
Keep it up girl, you provided her with 11 months of good care.
Ups, I really sorry to her about her.
Keep it up girl, you provided her with 11 months of good care.

Thank you for the kind words. The deed was done a few minutes ago. :( It took all of my strength to place her in the bowl. She did go quickly and peacefully though.

I won't lie, I did tear up a little, (which I knew was going to happen). Silly, huh? lol My husband was really sweet though and gave me a hug. He's in no way attached to any of my fish, (in fact my hobby drives him nuts lol), but he knows how I am about them.

RIP Michaela J. Fish :(
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