55 gallon stock question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 9, 2013
So ive always been told not to put angel in a 55 gallon because its to small of a tank but ive been hearing lately that it's possible. Basically my stock would look something like this

- 2 Angels
- 2 or 3 Rams most likely bolivian since my Ph is around 8
- 1 Clown Pleco
-10 to 15 Neon Tetras
-3 Kuhlii Loaches

I try to do a 15 gallon water change every week to weeks and my tank has been set up for 2 years now. I would get the angels at a very young age but just a little worried that when they get to there full size that they will be to big. Its not a planted tank but i have lots of fake tall plants and 3 medium size pieces of driftwood. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated

Hi FishRus,

I am not expert with rams or angles although I do believe some angles do stay small while others would require larger tanks. Your best bet would be to plug in all your tank info and your stock choice at Aqadvisor.com and see what it recommends.
You want to up your number of kuhli loaches. Tend to feel comfy in larger numbers and won't hide as much
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