55 gallon Stocking ideas?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 14, 2013

I recently got a 55 gallon tnak. I want to set it up this spring/summer. I am hoping for some fish stocking ideas for it. I want it to be a peaceful community tank. It will most likely be live planted. I have never had such a big tnak so I havnet been able to plan one out like this so would really appreciate recs.

Please add the number of each type of fish like I said I have never had a tank so big and I don't want to over stock it but I dont really knwo its stocking abilities.

I know I want 2 Angelfish.
I also know I want a school of about 6 Emperor Tetras.

Please rec stuff that would go well with them. Inlcuding interesting bottom dwellers. Please keep the list sort of common and easy to get as I only have a Petco close.

Oh and the only fish that I know is a no go is rainbow fish. SO doesnt like the shape.

Thank you guys in advance! I am actually excited abotu this. Oh substrate will most likely be pea sized smooth river stone pebbles.
what about a biotope of just south american fish? you could add corydoras- they are little catfish type fish that hang out at the bottom of the tank and they come in many colors.
Check out this website. It helped me get an idea of what I wanted in my 55 gal community tank. It'll tell you what will get along with what and what won't and give you all kinds of info. It's www.aqadvisor.com. Good luck!
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