55 gallon stocking list

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 23, 2005
Fresno, Cali.
Hi, I want to know if this stocking list is good for a planted 55 gallon tank. Here's the list:

1 angelfish
1 blue gourami
3 zebra loach
5 bleeding heart tetras
8 otos
2 rams
3 male platies
3 male sword tails
I would take away either the bleeding heart tetras or the zebra loaches and therefore get a female blue gourami for the guy and a second angel.
I'd get rid of the loaches and get another gourami and angel. Either that or get the loaches and half the otos.
I guess half the otos would be ok too, since you only have a 55gal. That way they won't start "starving", cuz your tank is overclean :wink: . But IMO you got to get at least those 4 otos, they like to be in groups, are more active and braver than.
I like your list as is. Looks good to me and I don't see any problems. If you get a pair of gourami's or angelfish you could possibly see aggression if they breed.
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