55 Gallon w/ aggressive Skirt Tetras

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 7, 2013
Hello! I have a 55 Gallons tank with 5 Black Skirt Tetras, 2 White Skirt Tetras, 2 Long Finned Red Minor Tetras. I got them on Friday (01-04-13), and the Black Skirt Tetras have been aggressive towards each other and the other fish in the tank. 4 of the 5 Black Skirts have missing fin pieces (top and bottom fins and tail) and they chase each other around a lot. One of my Whites have also been aggressive toward the Black Skirts (has a good piece cut out of his/her tail). The Red Minors have been perfectly happy, and haven't chased, or been chased (that I know of). Btw: I also have two male guppies inside the tank too. All I want to know is if this is normal behavior, or if I should get more Tetras, or if I should something else or??? Please help! :( I want to keep my fish! :fish2: I'm hoping to put more Tetras inside next month.


I do know of some people who have had red minors be really bad fin nippers... Have you noticed any aggression lately? Guppies can also be fin nippers but most likely not in this case. Watch them closely and keep us posted! Good luck!:bb:
I've seen them (Black and White Skirt Tetras) chase each other around, and I sometimes see them nip at each other. Almost all of my fish have missing fin/ tail pieces. Including my guppies. :(
Ahhh! Now one my Black Skirt Tetras are MISSING! Not in the tank, not on the floor (in case they had jumped out) and I can't find him anywhere! I have a feeling he might have been eating, but there would be something left behind, right??? =(
I FOUND HIM! He was behind my thermometer. Dead. =((( But I found him.
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