55gal FW Masterpiece!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 23, 2012
So here's my baby! Been working with her for 2yrs now and I'm happy with what I have now, when I take my sample in to get tested my waters always good bc I do regular water changes etc it feels good to be getting the hang of it lol anyway onto the pics!


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Unique and colorful to say the least! Not my cup of tea I'm more of natural kind of guy. BUT it's your tank and your happy with it so I say GREAT job with your tank!! Dare to be different and do what you wanna do and what makes you happy!

It's catches the eye that's for sure!!

Now 2 things.

Does your air pump always sit ontop like that? Isn't it loud?

And have you ever thought of painting the background?

Either way awesome job on your tank.
Leporinus Fasciatus:3
Blue Gourami: 1
4 male and 2 female little tropical guys I'm not sure what they are can u tell me from the pics??? I forget they came from PetSmart
Unique and colorful to say the least! Not my cup of tea I'm more of natural kind of guy. BUT it's your tank and your happy with it so I say GREAT job with your tank!! Dare to be different and do what you wanna do and what makes you happy!

It's catches the eye that's for sure!!

Now 2 things.

Does your air pump always sit ontop like that? Isn't it loud?

And have you ever thought of painting the background?

Either way awesome job on your tank.

Thanks you! Yea its very colorful to say the least and that's why I'm changing my other tank:25gal into a saltwater tank, its going to be extremely natural! Any advice you can add goto my other thread "Saltwater Startup Advice Plz". The air pump is actually extremely quite, you can't hear it unless you put your ear by it, the loud thing is the dang filter lol.... The design painted background thing has never really appealed to me to be honest lol I think it looks tacky TBH (no offense, just not my cup of tea) maybe I would put a black sheet of vinyl on the back??? I did a good job to wrap the cords up so it looks clean back there on purpose... what do you guys have in mind?
SC350Z said:
Leporinus Fasciatus:3
Blue Gourami: 1
4 male and 2 female little tropical guys I'm not sure what they are can u tell me from the pics??? I forget they came from PetSmart

They look like cherry barbs to me. Here's mine: sorry the pics aren't great but they move so quickly
You tank looks amazing. I wanna salt water tank also but I'm just not ready for that yet lol
Thanks Sam! That must be what they are... I just need to go into PetSmart again and look at the tag lol I need some more fish for this tank anyway.... Thanks Jbaygurl!!!!
What do you guys think? What type??? I believe there's plenty of room for another type in there.
Nice tank.
Looks like a good place for fish to retire lol
SC350Z said:
So here's my baby! Been working with her for 2yrs now and I'm happy with what I have now, when I take my sample in to get tested my waters always good bc I do regular water changes etc it feels good to be getting the hang of it lol anyway onto the pics!

This tank is freakin awesome! I set all my tanks up to look like natural stream beds or lake bottoms so it's drastically different from mine but I love how u did it I want one like this now!!! For some reason I envision things like silver dollars and bad *** looking fish maybe little sharks how many gallons is it?
SC350Z said:
Thanks Sam! That must be what they are... I just need to go into PetSmart again and look at the tag lol I need some more fish for this tank anyway.... Thanks Jbaygurl!!!!
What do you guys think? What type??? I believe there's plenty of room for another type in there.

What sort of fish do you like? Schooling or solitary ?
I always liked those hut and grass house looking decorations but never bought one.

I bet in a heavily planted tank, with a path made in the gravel and heavy driftwood being spread around they'd really blend in nicely. Kids would love finding them in a tank.
It's certainly a non-traditional approach to aquascaping with the hill of gravel in the middle. I also think adding a background (black vinyl is cool) would be a nice touch.

However, I wouldn't add anymore fish. The Leporinus you have should each get close to 12 inches long and can be extremely active fish to boot. They will also likely eventually eat the cherry barbs. If you regime them, then you have lots of options.
Thanks Jesse! Its a 55gal lol (it says in he title ;) lol
Sam well the story goes I had 4 leporinus and well during the move one died... so sad I could actually see the sadness in the others they had been huddled around his body and well for a couple days they seemed “sad" very inactive. Rutreg I've had them all for over a year so idk if they will get any bigger? They are about 6in long now lol I just don't see them getting any bigger, unless it takes 2-3 yrs for full growth....? But I got those little cherry barbs to school so I'm not sure I think I may get 2 more Bala Sharks again... I used to have 3 they died in the move prior to his last one. So I may go with 2 of them... any thoughts?
hpiguy said:
I always liked those hut and grass house looking decorations but never bought one.

I bet in a heavily planted tank, with a path made in the gravel and heavy driftwood being spread around they'd really blend in nicely. Kids would love finding them in a tank.

That just gave me a great idea for my saltwater tank! I may do that style of decoration in there... little path heading to their home/gazebo type structure....
SC350Z said:
Thanks Jesse! Its a 55gal lol (it says in he title ;) lol
Sam well the story goes I had 4 leporinus and well during the move one died... so sad I could actually see the sadness in the others they had been huddled around his body and well for a couple days they seemed “sad" very inactive. Rutreg I've had them all for over a year so idk if they will get any bigger? They are about 6in long now lol I just don't see them getting any bigger, unless it takes 2-3 yrs for full growth....? But I got those little cherry barbs to school so I'm not sure I think I may get 2 more Bala Sharks again... I used to have 3 they died in the move prior to his last one. So I may go with 2 of them... any thoughts?

Whoops guess I'll actually read before I open my mouth lol nice tank though very unique!
That just gave me a great idea for my saltwater tank! I may do that style of decoration in there... little path heading to their home/gazebo type structure....

If you have the little bamboo house house, I'd make a perfectly square section of very thick and short foreground plants next to it like a rice paddy. Like a few sections of breeding grass (artificial).

Then add a small Buddha in behind more thick plants of in the "paddy".

Kids love spotting stuff and if it's not overdone it won't look tacky.
Moved and redid the 55.... Welcome to the new Rome, GA!!!
Petco had a couple deals on some new decorations lol
Also it is now a Cichlid and Blue Gourami tank... got three new Cichlid's I will take pics of soon they've been shy but seem to be doing alot better.
Your Leporinus Fasciatus will eventually eat the Cherry Barbs and probably pester the Gourami to death, they seem to be very partial to fish eyes. I'd be very careful with these fish around smaller fish than them.
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