56 column

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 11, 2012
Fiancé let me upgrade the 29 gal to the 56 this weekend. What do you guys think?


  • image-1610364415.jpg
    129.8 KB · Views: 206
Lucky you, it looks really nice, I like the white substrate
Sure are. They've been together for just over 6 mos now. The tank fits perfectly in a space in the living room where nothing else really fits
Fro280 said:
Sure are. They've been together for just over 6 mos now. The tank fits perfectly in a space in the living room where nothing else really fits

Well done - bet the fact no other furniture could fit in that spot didn't hurt you chances/sales pitch for your other half'!
I like mine, but it took me a while to figure out how to stock it. I really don't have the room for a big tank, but needed something big enough for my angel, syno cat, and Plecostamus.
The space it's in is perfect. It's out of the way and gets 0 direct sunlight.
I love 56 gallon tanks! When I first got mine, I was like you. I had no idea what to put in there. I bought a cheap odyssea t5ho off eBay and threw in some angels. The cool thing is it's so tall. I have jungle Val, spiral Val, and a Madagascar lace fern in mine. It looks awesome with the tall leaves.


  • image-3872023350.jpg
    61.1 KB · Views: 110
Dude! Looks like an ad or something. Not bad. I need to fill in the top of mine. Plants or possibly marbled hatchets. Also, considering apistos.
Thanks! The lace fern can kind of be a pain sometimes. The leaves just grow and grow. I have cut leaves that were three feet long. The only thing I put in the tank is flourish excel and dry ferts. Totally low maintenance.
Those tanks are awesome! I would've loved to put live plants in, just don't have the experience or knowledge to do it.
Nice to see some other people who like columns too
As long as your tank has been running a while and you buy a t5 light, you'll learn as you go. Start out with cheap and easy plants. Jungle vals are great to start. They grow like a weed.
I've used it. It's okay. My plants really took off though when I used the dry fertilizers.
It can be hit an miss. It may survive but not grow like a weed. You can find it on aquabid.com
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