6-Line Wrasses Dying!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2003
Flushing, MI
Has anyone had this problem? I QT all my fish now and each time the 6-Line never make it. I have lost 3! I usually QT 2-3 fish at a time in a 20 gallon tank. The other fish live...Flame Angle & Gramma one time and Fairy Wrasse the other.

The 6 Line die with in the first 24 hours. The water checks perfect still! :oops:
I haven't had that problem. In fact, mine was kind of crazy... I bought the fish, and as soon as I got home, we had an emergency and had to leave right away, so I just let it go in the tank w/o acclimating... The fish is still alive and well after 2 months... getting fat too.. (BTW don't try this with your fish) I would suspect the Flame Angel or the Fairy Wrasse could have had something to do with it... I think the 6 line is a very hardy fish... I would try acclimating slow drip method, for at least an hour, maybe two, and then add it to the tank...It sounds more like aggression to me though...


What are the water params? If you post all of them, we can possibly help better..

My LFS does not guarantee them so I will try again with LiveAquaria.com with no other fish. I have read somewhere that they do not ship well.
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