6 Yoyo Loach, Tank Size

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 17, 2017
Just going to jump right in to it.

What is an appropriately sized tank for 6 adult yoyo loaches?

I currently have 6 juveniles, the largest being about 2" and the smallest perhaps 1 1/2". They're growing much faster than I was expected them to (thanks a lot, stupid high quality and live foods lol) and I've only had them a few weeks. They seem really happy too.

I knew going in that I would have to upgrade the tank at some point and was preparing for that. I was planning on getting a 40 gallon some time late next year.

The original plan was 4 yoyo loaches, but one died and when I went to the fish store to bring my count up again there were only three left and they had been there about two weeks. Not wanting to break up the shoal I took them all and didn't expect them all to survive. But they did, which really does make me happy.

I'm thinking that 40 gallons may be too small for a shoal of 6 yoyos, keeping in mind that I have 6 otos and several tetras. Would a 50 gallon be appropriate? I'd be pushing the boundaries on anything much bigger than that as my father will take issue with it.

My present tank is moderately-thickly planted and whatever new tank I get would also be.

Should I consider rehoming a couple of them when the time comes?
Would that be over 2 feet in length - which I think would be ok. I find they are a narrow fish so not so bad.
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