8 gallon planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 3, 2013
Hello all! I just set up a small tank with some plants. Its about 30 L or about 8 gal (5.2 gal of water after decorations)

I was thinking about adding a blue gourami , a guppy, and four cardinal tetra

What do you guys think of this combination?

Also does anyone know what this white fuzzy stuff is that I saw during the first water change?


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Wow that looks great!!:cool:
I think that combo of fish would be cool anyways.
What do you mean by white fuzzy stuff? was it floating on the top of the tank?
Hello all! I just set up a small tank with some plants. Its about 30 L or about 8 gal (5.2 gal of water after decorations) I was thinking about adding a blue gourami , a guppy, and four cardinal tetra What do you guys think of this combination? Also does anyone know what this white fuzzy stuff is that I saw during the first water change?
Amazing setup! But dwarf gouramis will need a slightly larger tank than that. Cardinal tetras need at least 20 gallons because of their activity level. Sparkling gouramis, a nice "big" school of chili rasboras and a peacock Gudgeon would make that tank pop!
Beautiful tank. I'd enjoy a nice planted tank about that size one day.
I don't think cardinals would be good for that tank because most are wild caught and would prolly have a hard time adjusting to a tank that size... IMO you should get zebra danios or more guppies but the blue gourami should be good.
I've got some Gertrude rainbows in my small 7 gal cube. Pretty little fish! (Not my photo) :) you should consider them!


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You could do a few celestial pearl danios. Or maybe a few male endlers.
I've got some Gertrude rainbows in my small 7 gal cube. Pretty little fish! (Not my photo) :) you should consider them!
wow, that's an amazing fish. It's funny because every nano fish I've seen has had breathtaking coloration! Guess big things do come in small packages!
That is a very nice aquascape! Any nano fish would work great. Nano fish I keep that would work great in that size tank are:

Chili rasbora
Neon rabora, gold or blue color variant
Ember tetra
Scarlet badis
Clown Killifish
Spotted Blue Eyes (posted above)
Irain Neon Red Rainbowfish (same blue eyed family as the spotted blue eyes)
Purple Pencilfish or any Dwarf Pencilfish
Burmese Rosy Loaches (males pinkish orange, female spotted) very active little fish
Pygmy Multi Striped Loaches
Dwarf anchor cats (bottom)
Any of the small shrimp species

These are just a few of the nano fish that you could use.
If the white fuzz was on the DW it's a very common occurrence of mold growing. It's harmless but often if you take 3ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% for every 1 gallon of tank water and squirt the mold as close to it as possible it will kill it. Also turn off the filter before treating and leave off 20 minutes after treating. It's safe for fish and plants.
I'm sorry for the late reply I'm still adjusting to moving to a new country and I don't speak the language but I've read the responses and they've been very insightful , thanks all!

And yes lol Mariano , the fish make sure I don't get annoying sales calls!

I started with a single guppy for now but I'll consider the other smaller fish
By the way my local pet store here had a competition for Aquascaping using anything in the store in two hours and it was really fun!

It was only my second time planting a tank and frankly was ashamed of the tank compared to others but somehow managed to get fifth place , and the four above me were professionals that travelled far to come.

See my tank (with gravel path under tree) The first place tank is attached ( he actually won the France national competition earlier)

Anyways I thought it was a great business move for both the pet store and Dennerle (check out their amazing products) as well as a great experience for the kids and non professional hobbyists too! I could've bought the tank for cheap too but one is enough for me now! Lol

Today they're having a demo on Aquascaping by Oliver Lindemann who is apparently well known for his Work


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