9 Gallon Setup Yesterday - Still Cloudy - Normal?

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Dan A

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 15, 2007

I have a 9 Gallon aquarium which I setup yesterday and the water is still a little cloudy.

Is the cloud normal for this period of time?, will it eventually become clear?

You can see the cloud being pushed around with the swirl of the water.

Thank You

Get ready to have cloudy water off and on for a while. When you have a bacterial bloom you will get cloudy water again. Just be patient and realize that the tank will take a while before it is perfect.
Fishyfanatic said:
Did you clean your substrate, decor, filter components, and tank before installing?

Cleaned everything but the gravel.

I didnt expect cloudiness, but would have thought the filter would have cleared it up though.

The gravel is probably the culprit. It's the dirtiest component. Do gravel vacs to get the debris that has settled. As Veruca pointed out, get used to the cloudiness though. You going to have bacteria blooms in the near future.
If you don't have fish in yet it might be easier to empty the tank and clean the gravel in a new bucket with tap water. Key things being a NEW bucket, and no cleaners. It will save aggravation in the future if you rearrange the substrate and cloud the water again.
dont worry about it, this is completely normal with new tanks. Right now your probably xperiencing the cloudiness from the gravel which will go away in due time. Also its partly due to the fact that the bacteria is blooming and that is completely normal as well. So just be patient and let the tank cycle and settle and all will be well in due time. Hope this comment helped you out while calming you down.
Gplayerz said:
dont worry about it, this is completely normal with new tanks. Right now your probably xperiencing the cloudiness from the gravel which will go away in due time. Also its partly due to the fact that the bacteria is blooming and that is completely normal as well. So just be patient and let the tank cycle and settle and all will be well in due time. Hope this comment helped you out while calming you down.

It's not bacteria if he set it up the day before. And it will cloud up again if you go and disturb the substrate. Best thing would be to clean it now before you start a cycle. IMO.
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