92g corner tank journal - updated 3-25 **dialup warning**

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Thx for the advice on the baby swords.......I ended up planting them in my other tanks.

No room in this one for another huge sword. So far they are doing great.

I took some quick shots for LWB's sword thread.

Here is the one that I didn't post in his thread.

I've got some new fish.

3 dwarf puffers (ordered 5 but 2 were doa)
3 Endler's guppies (ordered 4 but 1 was doa)
2 common female guppies
1 blue tetra (ordered 2 but 1 was doa)
1 pigmy cory (ordered 3 but 2 were doa)
and 6 otos.
Got all but the female guppies through azgardens.com.
Not much luck with that shipment huh.
They were quick to give me a store credit though.

The otos cant keep up with the brown algae......they are gettin fat.
The puffers are so far (knocks on wood and crosses fingers) VERY peaceful and only hunt snails all day. They don't bother anyone and are Very interesting fish.

As you might have noticed I redid the left side of the tank with some lava rock.
I like it ........I'm just not crazy bout the color of the lava rock. It will get darker with time though.

All in all things are going well.........I've got some cherry shrimp due in early next week.
After I get them I'll take lots of pics for you guys.
newfound77951 said:
Looks fantastic! The groups of plants in the front really emphasize the depth of the tank....your fishies are lucky!

Thx neighbor! :)

Well, I got my cherries in yesterday. I expected juveniles but not quite this small. (about 1/4") My bad. But all were in excellent health and are now doing fairly well in there new home.
I have seen the dwarf puffers nip at a couple but the shrimp are waaaay to fast for them. And once the shrimp turbo out of there the puffers are at a loss. They can't even follow them with their eyes nevermind pursue them. My blue tetra is the only other fish that nipped and that was when I first put them in and they were floating to the bottom.

All in all they are doing very well.

Here are the pics I promised:

Here's a good shot of one of the Cherries muching away.


A baby guppy in the background:

One of the puffers lookin for something crunchy:

They like to hunt by the lavarock in the back:


This is the best pic I can get of my hyperactive blue tetra. I think it's a female:

My Kleiner Bar Sword

It has flowered in the past few days:






One of the Endler's guppies:

Some Marsh Mermaidweed:

Marsh Mermaidweed from top:

Red Tiger Lotus [The parent plant]

Red Tiger Lotus [from a runner of the above plant]

And I will be slowly moving the fish and some plants from my 29G to the 92G shortly. I took a few pics of the 29G:



And a quick pic of the fire hazzard under the 92G :lol:

Anyone know what the red plant is next to the mermaidweed? It grows like mad! Gonna clip it way down and plant some long stems in my 90G in the basement.
Thanks for the pictures, man that turned out great. I think your shrimp are in big trouble?

That shot of under the 92 makes me feel alot better about my 54...Wow, have some power strips and timers.

One picture looks like a small light in the back corner?....now I goto pull one of my sword runners out of my tank....very cool!
That tank is looking great. You took the natural depth of the tank and made it look even deeper. The rock work is fabulous and the planting is really coming along. Nice job. (y)

Let me know when it is done and I will come and pick it up. That way it wont be cluttering up your living room. :)

How do you keep the fish from going up the out-take in the cave? Such as bottom dwellers and current lovers?

Tank looks awsome..... (y)
Lonewolfblue said:

How do you keep the fish from going up the out-take in the cave? Such as bottom dwellers and current lovers?

Tank looks awsome..... (y)

I don't .......they can go in or out either end.

You can see the top in this pic, there is a 3 inch unobstructed opening at the top:

As long as I keep the water level up.......they can and often do go in through the top and out via the center cave. The puffers are who I see in there most.

rich311k said:
Let me know when it is done and I will come and pick it up. That way it wont be cluttering up your living room.

LOL :lol: DONE?..........is it suppose to be done at some point?

TwoHobbies said:
Thanks for the pictures, man that turned out great. I think your shrimp are in big trouble?

That shot of under the 92 makes me feel alot better about my 54...Wow, have some power strips and timers.

One picture looks like a small light in the back corner?....now I goto pull one of my sword runners out of my tank....very cool!

Ya I've got a small 9inch 18w strip back there. I picked it up for 25 bucks and thought that would be fine but the more I look at it the more I think I'm gonna pick up something like this to light the back.

But I think that's to strong.....I've yet to find anything like that at around 65w. Which is the wattage I think would be best for that area.

I'm crossing my fingers and praying for my shrimp.......with all the cracks and crevises.........they will hopefully be ok.

And ya....definately take some of your swords runners out of the water.
I use a vegie clip to keep them from falling back in.
This has all been such a learning experience..........fun fun stuff.

Thx for all the comments guys.
What a beautiful job you have done! The tank looks great, only going to get better. You must sit and stare for hours, I know I would. That tank would look amazing in person, it looks really huge and deep from here!
Yeah, what a great tank. Choice pics too. The stuff beside Mermaid weed has the color and leaves of R. macrandra, but hard to tell. Any chance of closeups of that one?
czcz said:
Yeah, what a great tank. Choice pics too. The stuff beside Mermaid weed has the color and leaves of R. macrandra, but hard to tell. Any chance of closeups of that one?

Yep.........that's it.....R. macrandra.

Thx for the id there CZ :)
I moved over some fish today........just a few at a time.

I got a trap and it works very well. After a few mins in the 29G I closed it up and moved it over to the 92G.
Some neons and one of my chocolate gouramis are doing well in there new roomier home.
The trap really cuts down on the stress from the move.


And here's a few night shots.......with just the 18w strip in the back on.



In this pic you can see the light coming from the center cave. It's a bit red cuz I've got a underwater LED inside the cave.
You have your own private amazon jungle! Love your tank, it looks vary natural and wild. Can't get over how big it looks, must be the bow front. How deep is it from front to back corner? Just curious!
Great, great tank GlitcH . I love that road/open substrate on the left and what you're doing with the substrate levels.
Could you give us some more details on that trap? I've never seen one like that before.

Oh and those night shots are simply amazing. :wink:
Glenc said:
You have your own private amazon jungle! Love your tank, it looks vary natural and wild. Can't get over how big it looks, must be the bow front. How deep is it from front to back corner? Just curious!

I wanted to know that too before I bought it cuz they (all-glass) don't give you that measurement. Here are the specs:

Purrbox said:
Could you give us some more details on that trap? I've never seen one like that before.

Sure thing purrbox.......I took some shots this morning for ya.
First, I got it at bigals.
They have two sizes.......I got the larger size.

Three parts:

The dime represents where the food goes:

With the cap screwed on and "food" in place.

They supply you with fishing line to tie to the door but I don't use it.
I just set it like this and use the handle of my net to tap the door to make it close.

This morning I caught my other Chocolate Gourami:

Once ya catch your fish you just lift the whole trap out of the water then transfer and acclimate.

I haven't had to disturb any of my plants to transfer fish.
Not to mention the low stress on the fish.

czcz said:
Great, great tank GlitcH . I love that road/open substrate on the left and what you're doing with the substrate levels.

Thx CZ.......I am happy with that side now myself.......I think if I ended up with the driftwood on that side like I had orginally planned, the tank would have looked a bit too symmetrical.
Beautiful tank! I never would have thought of constructing a tiered cave in the center like that. Do you leave the 18 watt strip on all night? Or is it on a timer for early morning and just after lights out?

You have definitely given me some inspiration for when I am finally able to get my 100G.

Also, not to be rude or nosey, but how much have you spent on that setup so far?
Thx Harlock and welcome to AA.

I have the 18 on 1/2 hour before 2 of the 96w 6700k bulbs come on at 9am.
At 11am the other 2 96w 10,000k bulbs come on till 2pm.
Then at 9pm the main lights go off and the cave led's come on along with the air pump.
The 18w stays on until 11pm.

LOL as for how much I've spent on this project........thas a good question.
Not taken as rude or nosey at all.

I will have to sit down and figure that one out when I have some time and I am feeling brave. But the short answer to that one is.......Too much! :lol:
GlitcH said:
I will have to sit down and figure that one out when I have some time and I am feeling brave. But the short answer to that one is.......Too much! :lol:

I know the feeling. My little 29 gallon was my first planted tank and I had to hide some credit card statements from my wife. ;) It's nice about planted tanks that once you set them up, the cost of upkeep is pretty minimal and if you have time and patience, you can propagate your plants without too much trouble or cost.

I know you ordered some fish, do you also order your plants, and if so, who from? You have some beautiful species in there!
Aquabid rocks....I get most of my stuff there.
And I still haven't been brave enough to sit down and figure out any totals. :)

Well it's been a long time since I posted any updates. Me and my girlfriend went crazy taken pics yesterday so I thought I would post just a few for you guys. :)
Clickem for a slightly larger undistorted view.















Rudolph shrimp......[female]



Hard to find the adult RCS but here is one near the red plant.


Sunset Hygro [thx purrbox]



If anyone has a fatter neon than this one......I'd like to see it.




My Honey flame Gouramis outside the main cave.







The best shot I can get of my endler guppy/common guppy hybrids.





Corydoras Habrosus [thx again to purrbox]


And here a a few night shots. These were taken with just an 18w strip on in the back of the tank. Oh and a red LED in the main cave in front.










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