A bubble on an eye

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 2, 2014
hamilton, new zealand
I have a black angel fish who was the only survivour of something that killed everything in tank we believed at the time it was a ph issue as it was high and we were given something to lower it and then they died..

Ever since then my angel had what looked like a white film on one of his eyes hes acting normal and eating normally as he has new tank mates now he has taught them very quickly who is boss and who eats first. But tonight i was feeding them and i notice the same eye now has what looks like a bubble on his eye covering his pupil i forst thought it was like a flap of skin and then looked again and its a bubble i tried to get a photo but it doesnt really show up.

Can smeone please if they can.shed some light on this. I have made it known to the local fish store but they said to leave it (this is wen.it was what looked like a white film) the rest of his eye has cleared up apart from.this bubble over his pupil and it sticks out quite far..

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