A couple of questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 23, 2003
Charlotte, NC
I am setting up a 210 and the pump is external and is very loud. I have a pad under it and even with the doors shut. I was going to put some insulation on the inside of the stand and was thinking of foam rubber and covering that with plastic to keep the moisture out of it. Does anyone have any better ideas?

Also, I was going to put 3 400w Icecap MHs on the tank with a couple of VHOs for some blue tint. But in doing research I found that I could get 5 250w Icecap MHs for about $200 less. I was going to put the ballast in my attic with a fan blowing the heat out of a vent and also 4 4" fans blowing the hot air out of the hood up into the attic and outside. Will 5 250w MH and 2 VHO be to hot?

I was going to line the whole inside of the hood with some aluminum instead of getting the individual fixtures to save space. What kind of aluminum should I get? Also does Icecap have a ballast that I can run multiple lights of so I don't have to have 5 ballast running at one time?

Sorry this is so long but I am trying to get this right the first time. Thanks for everything.
What kind of pump is it?
What are the measurements of your tank? I think the problem you might run into is the depth of the tank is a little too much to get good penetration with 250w MH bulbs. Although having 5 of them might overcome that...I'm not really sure. One other thing you'll want to take into account is the increased efficiency you'll get from using good parabolic reflectors rather than just a sheet of aluminum. Icecap does not, at this time, offer multiple lamp MH ballasts.
I have that same pump. Mine is a low hum. Maybe something is out of balance within the impeller area.

Can you describe the sound?
I would describe it as a hum also but it is by no means low. There is no rattling or anything.
I dont know what to say if its just the hum of the motor. Have you oiled the motor recently? There are two plastic plugs where you can add a few drops of light oil to the bearings in the motor. I belive they suggest you do this once a year or once every 6 months or something.
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