A host Anemone Question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2005
I have a white stripped Maroon Clown and I want to try to get a anemone for him. What is the best one to look for. I am running about 5 wpg. Is there a pretty hardy one that is known to host pretty well. I do know that there no guareentee to host.
The natural host anemone for Maroon clowns is the bubble-tip (Entacmaea Quadricolor). Fortunately they are one of the easier anemones to keep and captive bred specimens are readily available. I would recommend buying an aquacultured BTA not only b/c of environmental issues, but they are hardier and better adjusted to life in an aquarium. 5 wpg is good, just make sure to keep your water in good shape and parameters stable. Good luck :wink:
Edit-I forgot to add that you should have a "mature" aquarium before adding any anemone. IMO if the tank is atleast 6-8 months old a bubble-tip should be alright, but a year is ideal.
Mt79 is correct I had a bubble tip in my tank but I didn't wait that long. I got mine after about 3 months.It did very very well and ended up getting pretty big in my 30 gal. I ended up gettin rid of it because it was too big after 8 months and was stinging my corals :( Anyway you should be ok. Try and place him somewere were the current may bring some food near by. Mine ended up in a nice up current were some brine shrimp or zooplankton would fly right by him. Good luck

it was too big after 8 months and was stinging my corals
Are there less aggressive anemones or some kind of corals which Thor (or any of us ) could try with clownfish? I'd hate to see the anemone go and destroy corals.
Are there less aggressive anemones or some kind of corals which Thor (or any of us ) could try with clownfish? I'd hate to see the anemone go and destroy corals.

A BTA is actually a relatively "docile" anemone sting wise. Most of the time the coral will recover, but anytime you put an anemone in a reef you take a chance of it wandering and stinging other animals. As far as a coral for a clown to host, I've heard of clowns hosting in a number of corals including frogspawns etc. HTH
2 things u need to watch out, the pros with a host clown fish in tank before ur anemone introducing into the tank is that it will help the anemone settle in one place really fast.however,conns wil be the clown do too much that made the anemone stress.BTA usually hang around near bottom where sandbed meets the LR so u can purposely free up some spaces for it.
U need to remember that the anemone need to be at least 3 times bigger than the totalt clown(s) size so it won't made the anemone get too stress.Most BTA sold as small size and maroon is a large type of clown therefore need to becareful when choosing anemone.
All good info. The BTA is a great choice for your tank. As long as all water parameters are of the highest quality and consistant you should give it a great home. Good luck

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