A pile of dead worms or excrement?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 10, 2011
Southern Maine
Is this a pile of dead worms or excrement? We've noticed this since day 1. The picture was actually taken a few weeks back. The pile has grown a little each day. There is a peanut worm, at least that's what we think it is, that's living in one of the live rocks just above where this pile is, but think it's probably too much excrement for it to be from that.

Also, still a little unsure about the clicking sounds at night. We haven't seen anything, just have heard clicking sounds. Also, some of the feather dusters that we once had growing on the LR are gone. Do you have any idea of what this is and what we can do?

More information: This is all taking place in a 30 gal. almost cycled tank. We are new to SW and any help would be most appreciated.


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Has anyone seen anything like this before? This tank is nearly cycled, so we'll be ready to add fish sometime as early as next week. We just want to avoid purchasing something just for it to end up dead.

If the clicking is a mantis; what is the best way find out?
They do make mantis traps, but other than the clicking and actually seeing it I'm not sure on how to tell if you have one or not. How much live rock did you add to the tank? Is it possible for you to move the rocks and try to find it? If you have clicking you either have a pistol shrimp or a mantis. It'd be better to find it now than wait til you have fish and other livestock.

Not sure that was of any help, lol, but I tried. Good luck and let us know if you find the little bugger...
We added in about 15 - 20 pounds of LR. I've tried moving some of the rock, and have watched at night with a red light as well. Whatever it is hides really well. Is there anything that might lure it out of its hiding spot?

Also, what do you think of the picture? - dead worms or excrement?
Hmm not to sure on the piles, I'd vote for poop and die off from the rock. Are you feeding the tank any food?

I'm pretty sure you can make a homemade mantis trap baiting it with food or frozen seafood cubes. I havent had one so I'm just going on what i have heard.
Yes, I'm feeding a small amount of frozen brine shrimp or Hikari marine s every couple of days.

We've tried a homemade bottle trap with frozen shrimp, but have had no success.
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