A question about food brands

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 29, 2005
Triad, North Carolina
I searched the forum for a thread I remember about different thoughts on food brands, but couldn't find it.

Wasn't Omega 1 and New Life rated very good by most everyone ?


New Life Spectrum is definately the top choice when it comes to quality foods. Our Africans only get NLS.
nls makes a flake--and if you get the "small fish" pellets, they are light enough to float at the top long enough for the smaller top feeders to get them. i feed my fish various sizes of nls, as well as different hikari algae and carnivore wafers.

they eat better than i do!
I use Omega. NLS is expensive, but I may try it after all the good comments about it.
Blazeherd2306 said:
I use Omega. NLS is expensive,

But ir isn't...it just comes in slightly larger containers than most foods....compare it on a $/100g basis, and you will find that it is actually pretty comparable.
Yup, Toirtis is right. I thought it was very expensive too. But I compared a container of NLS to a container of Omega and the NLS lasted me alot longer. The pellets are tightly packed and you get alot out of it.
crazycat said:
nls makes a flake--and if you get the "small fish" pellets, they are light enough to float at the top long enough for the smaller top feeders to get them.

Maybe I'm missing it, but I've looked all over Drs. F&S and I don't see NLS flakes. I'm about to order the Freshwater Community Formula & the Large Fish Formula for my cats. Would I still need the small fish formula ?


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