A very sad looking Long Nosed Butterfly

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 5, 2003
Ilkley UK
Can anyone help?
My beautiful new butterfly is looking very sad and has stopped eating.
I picked him up from my lfs on Sunday and he was very healthy and bright but this morning I found him hiding behind lr with some marks on one side of his body. Looks like a few scales are missing and the colour instead of being bright yellow is sort of white and pale red around the 'wound'.
I have now transferred him into my quarantine tank with about a million live artemia and he is just sitting on the bottom. Any ideas what the marks on his side could be? Looks a bit like red cyano? Can this attack fish?
All my tank parameters are within limits and I'm sure it isn't ick. All other fish and inverts are very healthy.
Any suggestions?
It sounds like a bacterial infection around the wound. Since it is in quarantine, I would treat with e-mycin and minocycline for 5 days, repeating the treatment if necessary.

As for the eating issue, have you seen this fish eat since you've had it? Did you see it eat at the LFS? If you can coax it into eating some antibioc food wouldn't be a bad idea either and may be more effective than treating the water ;)
reefrunner69 said:
As for the eating issue, have you seen this fish eat since you've had it? Did you see it eat at the LFS? If you can coax it into eating some antibioc food wouldn't be a bad idea either and may be more effective than treating the water ;)

Will treat with abios and yes he has been eating just fine up until this morning. Have attached a pic that I took.
Stop Press

the fish just died!! No time to treat...all happened so quick.
Very Sad :(

Sorry for the loss... :(

For future reference, the red sploch marks are the sign of an internal bacterial infection. In milder cases a few good water changes and improved feeding with enriched vitamin foods will often clear it up. In more advanced cases, QT ing with a good gram negative antibiotic will help as well as soaking foods in the post mixed med.

Was the fish purchased like that or did it occur after you acclimated to your tank?

Fish seemed fine Steve, when I purchased it, although now I remember that it had a slight mark on it's side. Should really have left him there I suppose.
Oh well, we all live and learn.
Will inspect much more closely next time.
BTW have just spoken to my LFS and he has given me a credit on the fish as it died so quickly. What do you think about that? :mrgreen:
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