About Ich...

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 5, 2008
Tyler, Texas
How is it the fish tank has been set up for a while now. no fish or, plants have been added to it.. and fish just all the sudden come down with ich?
Usually come from stress. The ich is around but healthy fish are not effected. Once something happens they loss some of their fight and the ich attacks. Usually from a quick temp drop or from bad over all conditions.
How much of a rise? And yes temp swings stress fish out. That's why if you're going to use the heat treatment for ich you need to raise the temp slowly only 1 degree per 12 hrs until it reaches about 86F.

What are your parameters (in numbers please)?
all parameters are fine in my 55 gallon. 0 ammo 0 Ites and 10 Ates.. the temp was set at 80 for a while.. Found it at 84 today therometer floated to the top and was on thinking it could cool down my house lol
A 4 degree temperature swing can cause a significant amount of stress to your fish. What heater do you have?
IMO if its at 84 allready just take the next two to 3 days and get it up over 86 and leave it there for a couple of weeks. That will kill off the ich. My tank just got over ich, mine was due to the addition of some new fish. I qtd them but the stress from moving them for QT to tank must have brought it on. But the heat only method wiped it out and i only lost 2 of the new fish and 1 female guppy who was very old.
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