Accidental addition of fissidens fontanus

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2012
Don't know how it happened but it seems I accidentally got some fissidens fontanus in my 220g and it found my DW. I noticed a small fern looking moss months ago but it was so pretty I didn't give it any thought. It seemed to spread slowly on various spots on the DW but recently I increased my dosage of glutaraldehyde and this Fissidens is spreading like a weed. At the rate it's growing it's going to spread over the entire large piece of DW. I also noticed today a small area is starting on the largest piece of DW and I didn't put any there. I can only assume a tiny piece came in on a plant and established on the DW. Does anyone grow this? Any info or insight on this moss? The yo-yo loaches like to groom through it so it stays very nice looking but isn't it rather strange that it just appeared out of the blue growing on a piece of DW in the tank.
I really want to keep this plant. No helpful info other than moss keeping relates to this plant.
I know some basic info on it, such as it grows slow, attaches to wood easily, and prefers cooler temps. But since I upped my daily glutaraldehyde it is spreading really fast and popping up in other areas of that wood and a totally different piece of DW. It's not slow growing now. I am going to try attaching some to rocks. I've seen pic's of it on rocks and they look really cool. Not too shabby for a tag-a-long freebee.
Yep, absolutely 100% sure, I've compared it to so many up close pic's of it there is no doubt. It's really quite a beautiful plant with those fronds. Still can't do pic's but hopefully soon.

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