Add plants, have fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 25, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
I'm thinking about adding plants to my new aquarium. Then adding fish in several weeks (once cycling stabilizes).

I currently have plastic plants and 2 calico goldfish in a 20 gallon tall tank. I only set it up 4 days ago, but used the same filter as in the old 10 gallon tank set up 2-3 weeks ago. This morning, ammonia = 0, Nitrite = maximum of test - even after a 1/2 water change. Will PWC again ASAP.

Any suggestions on what plants that requires minimum care?

I read a bunch of things linked in the other newbie thread, but somehow it's not jelling in my head.
Goldfish eat plants and will uproot them, it's not the ideal situation to have live plants in. Im thinking that a floating plant would be best, such as water sprite, anacharis, or hornwort. Im sure there are more out there, those are just a few suggestions. You could possibly get away with some anubias as well.
Agree with everything blueiz said. I am assuming you have stock lighting. Light is the most important factor when considering adding live plants. Stock lighting is generally inadequate to grow all but the lowest light plants out there. Could be frustrating with the goldfish too but it can be done. Would add java moss to the suggested plants above. It is tough to kill that stuff.
I just read something where someone had goldies and they chowed down on Anubias. I agree it will be tough to keep plants with those guys, they are herbivorous by nature. Java fern would be another suggestion; I have a friend who has a large java fern in a tank with Malawi cichlids (also known plant shredders) and it is doing fine.

Well, here are future plans:

Once cycling gets established, goldfish go to 10g tank with plastic plants, and some troical fish (don't know what yet) get put in 20g tank.

Does that change things?

I guess the point is it will still be tough to establish plants with goldfish around?
Potentially difficult. But I have also seen members here grow plants with goldies with no problems. I think it depends on your particular fish, how well they like their flakes, etc. I think it is worth a try. May take some trial and error to see which plants they will leave alone.
Goldfish eat plants and will uproot them, it's not the ideal situation to have live plants in. Im thinking that a floating plant would be best, such as water sprite, anacharis, or hornwort. Im sure there are more out there, those are just a few suggestions. You could possibly get away with some anubias as well.

Goldfish LOVES water sprite & anacharis!! Those will be gone within hours. :)

Java ferns & anubias would be the best bet. Hornwort might work. Goldfish don't like the prickly leaves. However, when I first put some in, they all take mouthfuls of the leaves, then spit them out. Not being quick learners, they try again, & again .... so I ended up with bare stalks ... They have since learn that hornworts are friend, not food.
Yeah, I suggested those because they are fast growing and remind me of just can't make it go away no matter how hard you try (for most ppl)
You should have posted yesterday!

I run a sump with bio-balls, I have a pre-filter sponge which I use as seed. However, I just put a new one in yesterday ... so I don't think that will do you much good.

I have a container of old carbon (2-3 years old) that I keep in the sump as additional surface area for the bacteria. You can try that if you like. <Or wait 4 weeks for my sponge to be colonized ...>
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