Added two clowns today.

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Everett Adams

Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 1, 2011
Is it normal that they are both at the top of the tank hiding in the corner?

When should I turn the lights back on?
Lol ya thats what my clown does, hes new just like yours are. I turned the lights on the next day, first i turned on the blues, then the bright whites about an hour later and he was okay. I dont know if this is the right way to do it, but thats how i did
now one of the clowns is swimming sideways at the top of the water. Is this normal?
Is there enough flow? What ph/filtration do you have? Whatelse intank
he may be fine mine swam vertically with his head down along side of my heater for like 4 days when i first put my pair in the tank.
Yea everything sounds good! Good luck! Only other thing I could think of is that your water might be too cold/hot
Both clowns seem to be swimming
Much better today :) so so happy!!!!! Was really worried
My clown (adopted from a tank at work) took a few days to get his normal behavior...freaked me out too.
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