Adding Fish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 21, 2004
I was wondering what is the maximum number of fish you can add to an aquarium at once or within a weeks time? I dont want to stress my current fish or have my ammonia levels go high either. :?:
I have a 20 Gallon tank with 2 Mollies and 1 small julli catfish. The tank is completely cycled and I want to add a Bala and an Angelfish along with a pleco.
The tank is not larger enough for a Bala Shark. Bala Sharks like to school as well, so it is really a bad idea to get just one and then keep it in a small tank. A Common Pleco would quickly outgrow that tank as well. You would need to get a Dwarf Pleco like a Bristlnose or a Rubberlip Pleco that stop growing at 4 inches.

Your tank is only cycled for three fish worth of waste. Adding more fish will will likely cause some ammonia/nitrites as additional bacteria grows to deal with the extra waste load of more fish. When you get more fish, I would get just two, then wait before buying any more.
I agree. The balas need company or else they tend to be horrible fish to keep. They just hide or get really skittish, not that great. Plus there size of course.

You could keep a single angel but that would be pushing it a bit. If it were a 20 gallon tall that would be better but these guys need a lot of room.
Got me wrong

I had a Bala shark once before and it did fine by itself. I was told by many many ppl that you either have 1 or 5 or 6. I dont plan on getting a big Angelfish, I plan on getting one of the smaller ones. My 20 Gal is a temporary setup. I plan to get atleast a 55 Gal tank for when my Bala gets bigger. I dont plan on stunting its growth, and plan on upgrading my tank as he gets bigger and bigger. But thanks for letting me know that 2 at a time is ok.
Having a small ammount causes infighting, that is why 5 or 6 are reccomended. Having one prevents the fighting (obviously), but can be hard one one Bala since the fish like to school.
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