Adding Medication Questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2012
shubunkin is not well at all few days ago he started to show swim bladder symptoms such as flip over and he is still laying on bottom. I started nlabs swim bladder treatment 2 days ago but still no imorovement :(.... he seems to be breathing fast... I am thinking should I start a new treatment of sterazin which helps gills?

Not a fan of removing filters,how long do we remove them for? do we put the old ones back in after treatment has finished?

hope someone can help!
Hi Ruth! How are your ammonia & nitrite levels? All the meds in the world wont help if they are still high. High levels of ammonia and/or nitrite are what is sickening your fish. Healthy water is the best thing you can offer him. If the filters have been in there for atleast a month (or longer), you dont need to remove them. The carbon is no longer effective at this point. You shouldnt be replacing your filters as it is- just rinse them in some used tank water because they house the largest portion of your good bacteria. If they are new, just dump the carbon out & keep the media portion. I cant stress enough how important it is for the water to be healthy- if theres still ammonia and/or nitrite present, you need to do water changes to lower them.
hi jlk
my levels are fine now thx... I decided to put an extra filter in the tank and it seems to be ok now
ph 7.2
ammonia 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 0

the swim bladder treatment I am using is from n labs they advised me to wait 5 days and then do a water change.
Thanks, Ruth! Ok, you can wait for a water change but if your ammonia and/or nitrite start rising, you really should do a water change even if the meds say not to. Just do a big water & redose. Good luck!
Fish is still alive only just..i was looking on the sterazin bottle this says on there that the medicine is safe for filters, it also says remove zeolite.

Will I be ok to add this even though I last used SB treatment last wednesday?
Sorry if I am asking same questions it's just that I want to do the right thing and bit scared of just diving in with medication.
very sad news fish passed away this morning.....ty for all your help xx will I need to do water change before I purchase new fish..even though tests are good
I am so sorry, Ruth! :( No more goldfish for this 10g- they are just not suitable for such a small tank. Please do your research first for appropriate species that will be happy with your setup before purchasing fish. Good luck!
I will Definately have a look, should I do a water change before I buy anymore fish? It was last done last Tuesday.
Yes, you need to do 100% wc with temperature matched, properly conditioned water & run new carbon for a few hours to remove any traces of meds. Put your cycled media in a fresh container of treated water while the carbon is running & then replace it later after the new carbon has removed the meds.
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