Adding New Fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 1, 2004
I have a Regal and a Velvet dottieback in QT and want to move them to the main tank now. Right now I have a 125 with 2 false percs, 1 yellow wrasse and a yellow tailed damsel in there with 2 cleaners, and 1 CBS. What is the best way to introduce the new guys into the tank? I don’t mean as far as acclimating them-floating the bag and adding water and such for about 1-2 hours is normally what I do. Is it best to do it at night or just make sure the lights are off?? Tell me what works best for you.
Also I have 90-100 lbs of LR and the system has been set up for about 1.2 years. Will adding 2 fish cause a spike?
two small fish put in a tank set up for that long should not have any affect on the water parameters . As far as adding them in the tank, I have heard that moving the rock around and turning the lights off will help the new critters to be able to find a territory. If the other fish are agressive in the tank I would definately turn the lights out.

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