adding plants to a tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2004
Okay, please don't think me stupid, I have never had live plants in a tank before.

My mom suggested adding some plants to my tank, so that it 'could help with the nitrates'.

How do I add plants though? I have blue, green, teal and black gravel together right now in my tank, would I have to take that out? Would there have to be any special changes to the tank setup? My shark likes to mess with the plastic plants, eating the slime and algea off, would he tear up a real plant? Would my pleco cause any problems?

Any and all help, advice and input will be most appriciated!!
try some hornwort. Its a floating plant, that needs low light and no substrate (hence the floating hehehe) what kind of lights do you have and how big a tank do you have? the shark may try to eat the plant, but I think hornwort doesn't taste good to most fish. the pleco will mostly leave it alone.

The best way to combat nitrates is water changes! small frequent changes will help bring those nitrates back down. the plants will help, though.

If you read the planted tank section you'll find more answers. For the most part, created a truly 'planted tank' will require sufficient lighting, new substrate, possible co2 addition and fertilizers. If you just want a plant will little effort, go with the hornwort. HTH
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